Hi Guys,
I only found this forum a few days ago, but have so far found it extremely useful reading and it is helping me to cope with what is happening to me.
I have recently been arrested and questions under caution about a rape allegation. I have been released without charge pending further investigation. The accuser is a colleague who I work in the same office with, and as such the allegation is also highly likely to lead to gross misconduct and me loosing my job. We were at a work event staying in the same hotel when the incident is claimed to have happened. I don't know my accuser particularly well and would only occasionally speak to her if she was there on a work night out or something along those lines.
I am frighted to go into the detail here as anyone could be viewing, but the sex was consensual. She changed her mind during the act and we stopped. Once it stopped, she moved away, put some clothes on and went to sleep in another part of the room. She didn't leave the room and has said as much to the police, despite having the opportunity to do so. The only detail that differs here is that she said she was raped before she decided to sleep in a different part of the room. Both of us had been drinking and both of us have also stated as much to the police.
I was arrested about 14 hours after we had been together. I nearly hit the floor when I was told what I was being arrested for. I have never been arrested for anything in my life and try to be generally be a good person, but I have cheated on my girlfriend. I feel like I am in a bad dream, but can’t wake up.
During my police interview, I had a duty solicitor that helped my prepare a written statement in response to the police disclosure that was provided by my accuser, outlining my denial of the allegation and what actually happened. I then responded no comment to all questions put forward by the police. The statements that both of us have provided are very similar to a point, until it comes to the matter of consent. She claims that she was not consenting to the act and that she was trying to sleep and telling me to go away, however that is a lie.
I have told my girlfriend of several years about the incident and what happened on the night and have come clean about past infidelities. All of which was really hard. The combination of which has ended our relationship and I have had to move out. We are still talking to one another and she has been great supporting me through this mess so far. I have broken her trust which makes me feel ashamed and I take full responsibility for, but she knows I am not capable of doing anything like that.
Since me release, I have just been trying to gather as much info as I can and have put together everything I can think of, including event timelines, details of the day and night. What the police said within their questioning of me, etc.
The accuser is not someone I am linked to through social media, but have started thinking that I should be trying to explore what she is posting/doing on there somehow, but obviously without contacting her.
I feel like I am in a living nightmare and have only told a couple of close friends, as I am really struggling to deal with it myself. I used to be fairly social and would be out and about with friends doing things and generally enjoying myself, but since my arrest I am struggling to leave the house and when I do, I am completely on edge the whole time. I basically ignore virtually everyone’s phone calls and most people that know me, just think I am going through a hard break-up, they have no idea what is really going on and the additional trauma I am having to try and deal with. A number of colleagues in work have contacted me who obviously don’t know what is happening to ask if I am OK and I don’t know how to even begin to respond to them. They think I am off sick.
I have talked to a number of solicitors and my head is spinning with it all. Some solicitors are saying I should act now and try and persuade the CPS that it is not in the public’s interest to put me on trial, whilst others have said to wait until/if I am charged. I am hugely concerned about the costs of something like this and the burden this would put on my family. Whilst I do have some money tied up in a property, I don’t want to push my ex out of the property because of this ****. I have already put her through enough!!
Every possible scenario has gone through my mind and I am obsessing over it constantly. I have thought about suicide, but I could not put my family or loved ones through that. I just want things to return to relative normality so I can try and get on with my life. What can I do? I just feel completely lost and hopeless. I thought I would be feeling anger by now, but I just feel completely numb and like I won’t be able to trust anyone again.
I only found this forum a few days ago, but have so far found it extremely useful reading and it is helping me to cope with what is happening to me.
I have recently been arrested and questions under caution about a rape allegation. I have been released without charge pending further investigation. The accuser is a colleague who I work in the same office with, and as such the allegation is also highly likely to lead to gross misconduct and me loosing my job. We were at a work event staying in the same hotel when the incident is claimed to have happened. I don't know my accuser particularly well and would only occasionally speak to her if she was there on a work night out or something along those lines.
I am frighted to go into the detail here as anyone could be viewing, but the sex was consensual. She changed her mind during the act and we stopped. Once it stopped, she moved away, put some clothes on and went to sleep in another part of the room. She didn't leave the room and has said as much to the police, despite having the opportunity to do so. The only detail that differs here is that she said she was raped before she decided to sleep in a different part of the room. Both of us had been drinking and both of us have also stated as much to the police.
I was arrested about 14 hours after we had been together. I nearly hit the floor when I was told what I was being arrested for. I have never been arrested for anything in my life and try to be generally be a good person, but I have cheated on my girlfriend. I feel like I am in a bad dream, but can’t wake up.
During my police interview, I had a duty solicitor that helped my prepare a written statement in response to the police disclosure that was provided by my accuser, outlining my denial of the allegation and what actually happened. I then responded no comment to all questions put forward by the police. The statements that both of us have provided are very similar to a point, until it comes to the matter of consent. She claims that she was not consenting to the act and that she was trying to sleep and telling me to go away, however that is a lie.
I have told my girlfriend of several years about the incident and what happened on the night and have come clean about past infidelities. All of which was really hard. The combination of which has ended our relationship and I have had to move out. We are still talking to one another and she has been great supporting me through this mess so far. I have broken her trust which makes me feel ashamed and I take full responsibility for, but she knows I am not capable of doing anything like that.
Since me release, I have just been trying to gather as much info as I can and have put together everything I can think of, including event timelines, details of the day and night. What the police said within their questioning of me, etc.
The accuser is not someone I am linked to through social media, but have started thinking that I should be trying to explore what she is posting/doing on there somehow, but obviously without contacting her.
I feel like I am in a living nightmare and have only told a couple of close friends, as I am really struggling to deal with it myself. I used to be fairly social and would be out and about with friends doing things and generally enjoying myself, but since my arrest I am struggling to leave the house and when I do, I am completely on edge the whole time. I basically ignore virtually everyone’s phone calls and most people that know me, just think I am going through a hard break-up, they have no idea what is really going on and the additional trauma I am having to try and deal with. A number of colleagues in work have contacted me who obviously don’t know what is happening to ask if I am OK and I don’t know how to even begin to respond to them. They think I am off sick.
I have talked to a number of solicitors and my head is spinning with it all. Some solicitors are saying I should act now and try and persuade the CPS that it is not in the public’s interest to put me on trial, whilst others have said to wait until/if I am charged. I am hugely concerned about the costs of something like this and the burden this would put on my family. Whilst I do have some money tied up in a property, I don’t want to push my ex out of the property because of this ****. I have already put her through enough!!
Every possible scenario has gone through my mind and I am obsessing over it constantly. I have thought about suicide, but I could not put my family or loved ones through that. I just want things to return to relative normality so I can try and get on with my life. What can I do? I just feel completely lost and hopeless. I thought I would be feeling anger by now, but I just feel completely numb and like I won’t be able to trust anyone again.
