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Falsely accused. How bad is it?

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  • Falsely accused. How bad is it?

    Hi there. I hate that I've had to make this post but I'm glad there's a place to do it.

    I've spent my whole life on the right side of the law, never been arrested, never been questioned, never even been stop'n'searched.

    From the evening of Tuesday until the evening of yesterday I spent the night in a cell. This has honestly been the worst experience of my life.

    Previously to this I had spent three days in personal hell because prior to a date with my FA, I received a text saying that she didn't want to have sex that evening. We ended up having (very consensual) sex later that night.

    My mother and stepfather (A prison officer) and our 5 dogs were in the house at the time so we made an effort to be extra quiet.

    I felt like I'd done something awful. I believed that since my FA had told me that she didn't want sex earlier in the day that I had technically raped her. Feel free to call me stupid but with today's modern culture trying to redefine rape I ended up convincing myself that though she consented at the time, I had committed a crime by having sex with her.

    I told her as much after we had had sex and she told me that I'd done nothing wrong and that we were fine. I couldn't help feeling like a scumbag because I'd broken a promise that we would just kiss and cuddle that night.

    Afterwards we went to our mutual friend's house from which she was picked up by her dad.

    Later that night I sent her a message saying that I felt I had done something wrong to which she replied that I hadn't.

    The following day she had a text conversation with our mutual friend saying that we had had sex even though we hadn't planned to, that she wasn't bothered and that I was overreacting.

    During this time I continued to message FA telling her how awful I felt that we had had sex even though she'd previously stated that she didn't want to. That I felt that I'd done something really wrong and that it technically might be rape.

    On Tuesday the FA then told a mutual friend that she had gone to the police and told them that I had raped her.

    I then recounted events to this mutual friend who then said "[OP], that wasn't rape." I recounted events to my family and they also agreed that I had not raped her by having consensual sex with her after she's stated that she didn't want to earlier in the day.

    My response to this (as suggested by my mother) was to travel to the police station and speak to the police regarding the allegation.

    I was then placed under arrest and put in a cell for 20 hours until I was interviewed.

    According to FA's statement I forced her to the floor, held her down and raped her while she was begging me to stop. After which she travelled alone to a friend's house to cry on her shoulder. (Not the mutual friend we actually went to visit)

    Again I stress that we were in a house with a prison officer, my mother and 5 extremely jumpy and nervous dogs in the next room while we had sex. According to my mother and stepdad, they didn't hear a peep.

    My whole life has been upended and I'm afraid to leave the house. I'm already being medicated for depression and I honestly do not want to live in this world right now.

    What do you guys think is the likelihood of me being charged considering the evidence, the inconsistencies in her story and witness accounts versus my own feelings of guilt that I expressed in text messages with regards to breaking a promise not to try it on that night?

    According to people who know FA, she's the kind of girl that makes up lies in order to get attention and that she started seeing another guy the day after we had sex.

    I'm aware that I've likely brought this all on myself by having an overactive conscience and believing I'd committed a crime when I in fact hadn't. If I hadn't given a sh*t about FA's feelings and played it cool, she likely wouldn't have done this.
    Last edited by neverexpected; 2 March 2018, 12:16 AM.

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum, I'm sorry to read about the situation you have found yourself in.

    Based on the text messages been as you have detailed in your post, then I would say you have some good evidence to back up your version of the events.

    Do not delete the messages, keep them very safe.

    They will form a part of your defence, should the matter go to court.

    You are likely to have a long wait until the matter is resolved for the better or for the worse.


    • #3
      The general advice is not to report a false allegation to the police as this action will lead to an investigation being opened (just as it would if any concerned individual had reported their suspicions)

      Nevertheless you did what you thought was right at the time and as Soulbug mentions all you can do now is wait.

      A lot depends on what your FA says when she is interviewed by the police (not sure from your account whether this has already happened?) she may not realise how serious the allegation will be taken and of course may not have anticipated that you would report it!
      'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


      • #4
        Just a thought that came to mind this morning

        you said

        "she started seeing another guy the day after we had sex"

        Was she perhaps already seeing this other guy and she was in fact enjoy the best of both worlds, with the veil removed once the police came knocking.

        So had she been caught out and panic lied to cover her tracks?


        • #5
          Just to add that yes FA had been to the police and been interviewed by the time I arrived at the police station.

          While I was waiting in the cell FA had a second interview this time on video. That's why I was in the cell for so long I think.


          • #6
            As the advice says keep the messages and back them up. If the police have your phone they should do a data dump as well. Tell your friends that sent you messages and communicated with the FA to also backup and keep the messages. If they use an App to back them up on Android like SMSBackup+ then you can than store them on a gmail account and post them to other accounts to have multiple copies.

            OK here is the legal bit. It does not matter if the FA sent you messages saying she does not want to have sex as long as when you did have sex she consented freely. She might say she felt pressured but pressured to have sex is different than being forced to have sex. It may not be gentlemanly thing to do but it is not illegal.

            You will not unfortunately have to set back and let the very very very slow legal system go through the motions of investigating etc. I was going to use the phrase let the very very very slow legal system do its job but you will find that they are not doing their job most of the time.

            Stay on here as it is excellent to have fellow suffers to speak too.



            • #7
              Sorry to hear about your situation, however this forum has a lot of great members and advice. Look through the threads and you will find some very good advice.

              The road will be a long one and can end with either an NFA, or a charge. Please read through my thread if you can as i have recently had my case thrown out post charge.

              dont trust the police and keep "sane" as you will need every bit of fight in you

              if you need assistance or a chat just PM me and ill try to do the best i can!



              • #8
                Originally posted by Bob1234 View Post
                Sorry to hear about your situation, however this forum has a lot of great members and advice. Look through the threads and you will find some very good advice.

                The road will be a long one and can end with either an NFA, or a charge. Please read through my thread if you can as i have recently had my case thrown out post charge.

                dont trust the police and keep "sane" as you will need every bit of fight in you

                if you need assistance or a chat just PM me and ill try to do the best i can!

                Thank you, and thanks to everyone who's replied. Luckily I have an amazing GP who's doubled my dose of anti-depressants and prescribed me a course of diazepam to help me get through this initial first week of hell.

