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falsely accused of rape

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  • falsely accused of rape

    my partner as been falsely accused of raping are 18year old daughter. the last 3 months have been hell he is on bail waiting investigation. my daughter has had a mental illness for the last 3 years .she as repeatedly alleged rape over that time. then admits she is telling lies. but this time she will not tell the true. the whole thing is a nightmare can anybody help

  • #2
    Hi Sadie

    It is absolutely essential that your partner instructs a solicitor who is experienced in these matters. If you post up where you are located (not the address) the town or city, or county will do, I might be able to point you in the right direction.

    If you would like to talk about this please private message me (or email) from this site and we can arrange to talk on landline.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3

      I've received the telephone number to ring your partner but without his name I can't ring him as I don't know who will answer the phone or if they know about the problem.

      I have PM'd you about this - please don't put his name on the forum but PM me with it.
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #4
        cleared of rape

        hi just to let every body know my partner was cleared on thursday by the cps. my daughter lied for 5 months but the police and the cps realised she was making it all up hopeful my family can try to have a normal life again.


        • #5
          Dear Sadies

          Good news in that your husband has been cleared, but I cannot help feel for you as a family in that this must cause division.

          How do you rebuild trust in those circumstances?

          Wish you & your family well




          • #6
            Great news Sadie! Now where did I put that bottle of bubbly I keep on ice for special occasions.....????
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~


            • #7
              That is fantastic news! I am so pleased for you. I hope you can get on with your lives, and that you will be happy and peaceful

              Much love,



              • #8
                why is it that no newspaper will publish our story of being falsely accused.we all have the right to say had bad it is. every day people doubted us now it as been cleared we are not allowed to say a word. my family all suffered why does the accuser get away with it even in this instance it is my own daughter. has she not committed a crime .but she can tell anybody lies and they listen am totally confused


                • #9
                  Dear Sadies

                  I know EXACTLY how you feel, there seems to be some sort of agreement between police & mainstream press NOT to report the impact & effect of false allegation on something as serious as a rape allegation.

                  I have been battling endemic homophobia within my local police force for years & when an allegation was made against me, well it has had a devestating affect. The shoddy unprofessional & discriminatarey manor in which the case was handled makes me furious still and that was on top of a whole string of other police homophobia incidents.

                  By sheer bloody minded determination & dogma I have contiued to relentlessly keep banging the drum. There are those who will tell you not to, but I sincerely believe there is NOTHING worse than a corrupt police officer, but when the run in packs...its worse!!

                  Keep pusuing it with your local press & radio station if you feel you can. If anything was previously published by them which painted you or your family in an unfavourable light you may well have a 'right of reply'.

                  More has to be done to take the lid off this problem of false allegation & failure/refusal of police to prosecute the false accusers!!!


                  • #10

                    I have PM'd you as I am in touch with a radio station who are producing a programme about this.
                    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                    PAFAA details ~


                    • #11
                      Cleared of rape

                      hi i would really be interested in any publicity which would help stop this happening again and build awareness to the pain and grief.
                      pass my phone number on to anyone concerned.


                      • #12
                        The radio station has decided to air the programme earlier than they said so I have had the "interview" I did pulled as it wasn't properly done and had to have some bits taken out, relating to ongoing appeals. The result was that it sounded disjointed. The person concerned was supposed to have come to my home town Friday gone, but as the programme is to be aired earlier she didn't.

                        The "interview" I did was actually a half hearted attempt as I was sitting in the visitors centre at HMP Holloway at the time and my mind was on the inmate I was due to visit.

                        So that "interview" won't be aired. She said that if she can she will try to put a similar programme on only this time I can arrange for people who have suffered the effects of false allegations to be present. I also suggested that maybe we could do a prison visit although she won't be allowed to take in recording equipment.

                        Hopefully I will hear from her again soon and we can arrange a proper meeting and an interview we are properly prepared for.

                        Apologies for the hiccup!
                        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                        PAFAA details ~

