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Oh wow so glad for you!! Now take it from me you will be up then down!! Being two weeks ahead of you with a similar outcome it is almost an anticlimax! Your over the moon that its over, but at the same time so angry that it got so far!
Hopefully the tide is changing following the recent news reports of cases, but all that aside.....enjoy Xmas and
Yes sorry the judge Monday said it would re adjourned to September as he was only working till wed and might not be finished. Different judge on Tuesday read the file notes before we went in and said he wanted a meeting with barristers. Then threw it out.
Thanks for all the support and congratulations. Still seems unreal spent last few days waiting for alarm to go off to say it was dreamt still going ahead you've dreamt it all. Finally starting to settle in and managed to smile. I agree I was happy it was over. Annoyed that I hadn't got to see her mess up on at and bit relived as well that we didn't have to get through a trail and now just angered that he's lost over a years of his boys lives because the police didn't bother reading it at the beginning they should have picked up on it instead if me having to. All I wanted to do was cry and 've sock when hearing as didn't believe it.
Still not completely over as we're now getting death threats from her and got a little wait to see the boys whilst boxes get ticked and closed off but for now we are going to enjoy a quiet Xmas together and start trying to imagine a life without the cloud over us
Just shows that the right jusge can make all the difference, though I understand your feelings overall. Keep the messages and contact the police regarding harassment if you need to. She shouldn't be allowed to get away with that; you've been through enough. Very best wishes for the Christmas you are hoping for and a much better 2018.
'Mongolian Warriors had the courage of lions, the patience of hounds, the prudence of cranes, the long-sightedness of ravens, the wildness of wolves, the passion of fightingcocks, the keenness of cats, the fury of wild boars and the cunning of foxes.' BE A MONGOLIAN WARRIOR WHEN DEFENDING YOUR INNOCENCE!
I totally agree with franticwithworry. Keep all her threat messages. Also keep all the info that you put together to fighht this vase. We were told that info is kept for six years by solicitors and unless get in trouble on another case regarding sex crimes this will never be raised again and in theory (will be checking!!) that should a crb check be done this will not show up. However our solicitor has returned the file that we put together to us, and has suggested we keep it and any other info we collected and store it safely, even if it is only for our own peace of mind. As we would never be able to get this info again.
So it is now safely stored in our loft hopefully to never have to see the light of day again!
So great to hear this news from you Bob I was wondering how your court case went, and when there was no post I assumed the worst. So glad for you that this is all over for you, and thanks for letting us all know