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I have been falsely accused and I am scared

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  • I have been falsely accused and I am scared

    would someone please tell me what I can do to protect myself.....I have been falsely accused by a guy....he says that I raped him with the help of 3 other guys.......I never did nor would I ever do such a thing.......The guy was upset at me and this is how he retaliated......I have had the very zealous investigator visit my home 4 times.......Talked to my landlord and now has me scared to death.....I live in San Jose, California....I do not know what to do......The 18 year old guy must have liked me more than I thought because when I told him that he could no longer stay at my home due to his lifestyle he left with an attitude and went to the police.....The investigator talked with me .....I told him we had consensual sex......I am not sure if I have made a mistake by telling him that but I thought the truth would set me free, but I guess it just made him think moreso. If anyone out there knows anything that can help me....please do....I am a full-time college student and I do not have money for an attorney or my own investigator...
    I need help in California.....
    Last edited by RFLH; 3 May 2010, 09:43 AM. Reason: removal of email address

  • #2

    Unfortunately the laws here in the UK are different from those in America. However, there are support groups out there:

    To name but a few.

    Hope this assists. I will PM this same message to you to ensure you get the links.

    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3
      Hi there

      Since this is a "male to male" allegation made against you get yourself intouch with a LGBT switchboard for Gay support. I do not know what your local police force is like, but UK police forces are, according to a Home Office report, 'rife' with endemic homophobia (...and I personally know this to be true!).

      Rights fighter has given you some excellent links.

      Be strong.


      • #4
        Good has prevailed over evil.

        I appreciate all of your support. From this site. All of the fear is over. The investigator called me and told me that he was suspicous of this guy. It has been 2 years and I have not had anything else come up from this issue. I know that I never hurt anyone nor would I ever. I have never had a problem attracting people to my life but I have had a problem with jealous people. I have learned that it is not good to meet new people and bring them to your home without knowing their background because they may try to harm you. I am thankful for the people that responded to my cries. Good has prevailed over Evil.


        • #5
          I'm pleased that things have worked out alright for you Zimboe and thank you for coming back and telling us th outcome. Its greatly appreciated.
          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


          • #6
            Great news Zimboe!

            Just be careful who you let into your home and into your life.

            HUGS x
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~

