Hello, some 14 months ago i was accused by my then mentally disturbed ex of an assault on her. i was arrested, forensics in my house as i sat on the sofa surrounded by 2 cid officers. i was took to the station, interviewed some hours later and read my rights and spent the night in the cell. the next day i was told by the custody officer that i shoud not have been arrested as there was not evidence and i should of been let go. i had personal poss took off me, which ive still not had back. the months after that i heard nothing, even my solicitor could not obtain any info to help. after numreous calls by myself over the last year, yesterday the cps person who is dealing with the case came onto the phone to me to say my ex has been given the right to review and has 30 days to appeal as this false case has nothing to it. what happens next?? am i expecting the police to just turn up at my door again like they first did? or will all coms be through letter?? the past 14 months has been hell!! my mental health has sufferd, my first yr at coll as a mature student has been tough. ive had no one to talk to, ive spoken to no one at all about this. i just want all this hell to be dropped so i can finally move on and move out of this area in scotland back to england to finaly get on with my life!!! 14 months of waiting
((( please help
