First off, My spelling is not great, But if a MOD would fix any typos then please do.
I was asleep in my nice warm bed and someone was knocking at the door, very loud! My Girlfriend woke up and looked out of the window and told me "It's the police, around 8 of them." At this point my mind is working overtime. Why are they here?, I ask myself in my head.
My Girlfriend opens the door, becasuse the Police don't stop knocking. She says "Hello, why are you knocking on my door like that!"
One Copper asked if I was there, we need to speak with him, he told my partner. My partner then said, with me still upstairs sat on the end of the bed, "He's not here". Holly ****, why the hell tell them that?, I was thinking to myself. The next thing I know all 8 Police officers are in the house.
One came in the bedroom and said "He's here". I could hear the other's talking to my partner and demanding to know why she told them I was not in the house, when I was.
I later asked my partner why she said what she did to the officers, She did not trust the police as she'd had the police in her life when she was a young girl, no trust in the police what so ever.
Phones, PC's, Laptops, Games consoles, USB Sticks had been taken, under P.A.C.E. The only phone that did not get taken was my partners mobile phone, they did not ask for it! I was read the complaint by the officer and my heart sunk. I was asked if I knew this girl and told I was nicked for sexual touching of a child under the age of 16. I looked at my partner and told her I loved her so much. My partner had only just told me a few weeks before, I was going to be a Daddy!
I got read my rights, handcuffed and put in a police van. One Officer pushed me into van and called me, quote "Drity *******" end quote.
At the police station I was asked for my name, dob etc. I just told them my details and signed nothing and did not reply to anything asked. I knew from that moment on, anything I said would be used in court if it went that far.
So there I was in a police cell on my own with the question in my mind, WHY, why me? I've done nothing wrong. I kept telling myself It will be fine, the police will see find out she's told a pack of lie's.
I was giving a lawyer, to whom was a woman. I was advised to do a NO COMMENT interview as the police will use anything said and twist it.
So thats what I did. The officer conducting the interview read my rights and asked if I understand, to the reply of NO from me. He then read the statement of rights again, repeating, do you understand? I Said NO, I do not allow you to stand over me. What I did there was not grant him his authority. I have been reading about challenging legal authority and legal lease. He asked if I was mental, I said "NO COMMENT"
To cut the interview short, every question the officer asked me was NO COMMENT. He even got bored in asking the questions to me. I don't like the police what so ever. They are not a service anymore, they help companies to take your money and want you to pay up in terms of Fix Fines.
They all have weapons too.
Anyway, going off topic here..... When the interview ended I was told I could not reside at my home! as my partner had 2 children at the house
I was evicted Ilegaly! even though my bail sheet shown address of the home. Wan*ers! My partner came to pick me up in the car, I was amess as soon as I clapped my eyes on her. We want home and we talked about what just happened until we needed to pick the kids up from school. Just so you know, I am not the kids Dad, but have always treated them as such.
We picked the kids up and I stayed in the car on the next street, because of the bail. We went home and had to wait for children services to see us. Once the guy came, looked at the kids and asked a few questions. He then told me if I do not go they will take the kids. I was fine to be home with the kids with my partner but not to sleep. Then the cost of finding somewhere for me to live was in our minds. We had been saving money and doing so well at saving too. I Stayed in a dirty B&B but it was cheap £25 a night. I stayed there for 4 nights in total before I decided to move out of the area closer to my work. Inbetween staying at the B&B and moving 40 miles away from home I passed my driving test too. I don't know how I did that with olny just being nicked 3 days before, but hey, I did.
Before all this happened my partner and I was planing to move house to my home town. That same month we had bid come though and we took it. So I took some time off work and helped move my family 150 miles away to my birth town. I stayed working 125 miles away from my partner and the kids, I still needed to work and working, keeping busy, helped me keep the matter at the back of my head. We then thought it would be a good idea to take holidays from work and stay with my mother in my home town (where my partner now lives) for 2 weeks. All good is good, I did. I got to my partners house (I still called it home) and my partner shown me a letter from children services asking her to attend a meeting at their offices. I noticed the time and date had already pasted and asked my partner what happened? She broke down, I knew bad news was about to fill my ears. She told me I can not have any contact with te kids even with her in our company. It was all due to my partner sticking up for me in the meeting she had with children serivces and deemed her unable to protect the children from me! I was shocked and upset. We had not heard from this new children serivces for month and months as we was still under the eye of the other county's serivces.
I went back to my work home 30 mins after my partner told me. She wanted me to stay but it was hard to tell her I can't, we can't lose the kids. So that was that. I had 2 weeks sitting on my own doing nothing. I hated it.
As time went on my bail just kept being extended and extended. I finaly moved to my home town and lived with my mother, she knew all about this ordeal which was ongoing at the time. I was asked to meet with children services when i moved into my mothers for a chat. I went and asked what can be done as my partner was almost ready to give birth to my son.
It turned out that I could be in the house (Partners) when the kids went to school. This helped a lot. I was rushing to paint the rooms and do the DIY, we all know what its like when we move house, don't we?
6 months had pasted by this time and my son was born, I was there to see him born, no one was taking that right away from me! I made that so clear to them. The moment I seen my baby, I was over the moon. I did not care about what was going on at this time as I knew it was all lies and I just wanted to do the best for my newborn son and the rest of the family.
Once our little lad was home it got even worse, unable to be with my boy even with my partner home and the kids at school. Children Services had to use my mother so I could have supervised contact with my own son. I was so angry I made complents to MP's the head of the Social, you name it i did it. Did it help you my ask, did it hell. It made the ordeal worse. The Social worker started taking it personal and started telling managers a was very abusive and she was afriad for her safety. All i did was hand her a letter of notice and complient. Lucky we have been tape recording everything, she lied and we have the proof
which will be dealt with once everything has ended.
It now 8 months later from the day the police came knocking. I got a call from the officer dealing with the case, got told I had to come and answer bail. He had told me in the past if NFA he would just call and say so, I knew that I was going to be charged with something I did not do.
Off I went 125 miles away to answer my bail. (oh I forgot to say, the police changed my details too. they changed my DOB by one day. I will talk more about this later on) I got charged with 7 counts of Sexual assualt by sexual touching of a child under 13. It started from when the girls was 6 years old, right upto 12 years old (my ex's child).
I was shocked and felt sick on the spot and needed a drink of water before a past out! I ask the officer "What evidence do you have?" knowing there was nothing, as I did not do anything which they say I have. He said "everything we spoke about in the interview"
I told him, how can you have, there is nothing to have! ? He just said "well, here is your court date".
The first court hearing was just a few weeks away from being charged. Went to the court on the day they told me to go, looking forward to seeing this stuff they said they asked me about in the interview. They said I wiped myself clean with a towel!!!
I went into a room with the lawyer, love and behold, there was nothing but statements and only statement. I knew they had nothing, as nothing happened. It was a funny old day at court because the very guy my ex girlfriend kicked me out to be with was at court too!! Right away I starting thinking... shes sent him to see whats going on with my case! Infact, what I was about to learn was so shocking... It was a case charger!!! I looked at the court listings and found his name on the listing too, what!!! So i asked the lawyer about this and he said he could be here for anything. It was only when I got in contact and starting using another firm of law they made the connection. He too had been accused by the same girl!! Really???? This was a big shock and I so wanted to contact this guy and ask him what was going on.
So It all goes to crown court and between the court hearings the two cases get joined together and both defenices get to see each others case files and so on. I can't go into detail about this as the law does not permitt me too.
The last court hearing before the trial the court tell us both that the trial will last 5 days in total and gave us a date which was just over a years time. One more year to wait.
Its now time to go to trial and we started on a Monday, the jury get swon in. The police had been keeping data from the girls mobile phone and the other accused lawyer had been asking for the raw data for 11 months. The police and CPS said it was due to Data protection to why this data was not disclosed and the big man in the red seat said "I order this to be disclosed, if you plan to use just a little bit to help the CPS case. You must disclose the data." That being said the trial was put back for a week as the phone data which came tolight had 5000 pages of text msg and call logs!!
The data within the phone had everything, every lie. And the CPS and Police did not disclose it, as they knew it would end the case.
After all the data (msg) had been highlighted by our teams we went back to trial, new jury swon in too. I can't go into much detail about the trail, but her lies came out in the court room. 4 more days in court and the jury are out to come back with a verdict.
They took around an hour and I tell you this. Standing up and waiting for that one jury member to tell you your fate is alwful, everything goes through your mind, your children, your partner and your heart will beat so hard to the point you think your about to die! When the clark of the court asked that one jury member how do you find the defenant on count one, Everything slowed down for a moment in my head. "NOT GUILTY" came out, and then again and again. As soon as the first NOT GUILTY was read out. My partner was crying! I started to wellup on the 6th count and by the time the 7th count came in as NOT GUILTY I was crying my eyes out. The other guy also was found NOT GUILTY and his family all brokedown too.
Before we could say anything the big man said your free to go! just like that. We hugged each other as we lefted the courtroom and needed a smoke.
2 years of our lifes in the pits of hell. 1 year and 1/2 watching my boy grow up via whatapp. Who will give me back that time I missed out feeding my son, who will give me back my time not rocking him to sleep in my arms? No one!
With the trial only ended this week. Children Serivces contacted me the next day after. They now need to work with me and my partner before I can move back in and be that whole family unit again. Children services between the years also said to my partner "This is what he does" "You don't know him that well" "He likes to do things with children" and the best one was "YOU WILL NOT EVER BE A FAMILY AGAIN" all this has been audo recoreded and in due course will be used to file claim for slander of me. They even told me I can't used the rest rooms in the hospital as they may be chilfren using them.
Oh before I forget, you know I told you early on that my date of birth got changed, remember me saying that?
Well, here is a shocker for you.. My bail sheet got sent to me in the post when they renewed it one time. My date of birth was changed by one day. You may thing well.....thats nothing really is it! Think again!
When I was in a Care plan meeting with all bodies, like, Police, school, social services, doctors etc etc. The Police had something very nice to say about me. This was said with me, my partner and mother in the room. The police went on the date of birth which was changed for what ever reasion to run checks on me, I think this was done sometime ago, due to children services saying what they did to my partner.
The Police read out some convitions with the incorrent date of birth and told a table of 8 people I was convicted of rape of a girl under 6 years of age. Can you think of the looks and shock that came along with that comment!!!! I told them this is wrong and childrren serivces took months to come out and say yes it was wrong. The Police have yet to comment, I have not had any letter saying sorry. because why? If they do they will get sued!!
So yeah, thats one hell of a mess right there hey. But trust me, keep looking for anything which will clear your name. Fight the scum which tell lies again rape and sexual matters. I will stay around to talk with people in the same boat i've been in.
I was asleep in my nice warm bed and someone was knocking at the door, very loud! My Girlfriend woke up and looked out of the window and told me "It's the police, around 8 of them." At this point my mind is working overtime. Why are they here?, I ask myself in my head.
My Girlfriend opens the door, becasuse the Police don't stop knocking. She says "Hello, why are you knocking on my door like that!"
One Copper asked if I was there, we need to speak with him, he told my partner. My partner then said, with me still upstairs sat on the end of the bed, "He's not here". Holly ****, why the hell tell them that?, I was thinking to myself. The next thing I know all 8 Police officers are in the house.
One came in the bedroom and said "He's here". I could hear the other's talking to my partner and demanding to know why she told them I was not in the house, when I was.
I later asked my partner why she said what she did to the officers, She did not trust the police as she'd had the police in her life when she was a young girl, no trust in the police what so ever.
Phones, PC's, Laptops, Games consoles, USB Sticks had been taken, under P.A.C.E. The only phone that did not get taken was my partners mobile phone, they did not ask for it! I was read the complaint by the officer and my heart sunk. I was asked if I knew this girl and told I was nicked for sexual touching of a child under the age of 16. I looked at my partner and told her I loved her so much. My partner had only just told me a few weeks before, I was going to be a Daddy!
I got read my rights, handcuffed and put in a police van. One Officer pushed me into van and called me, quote "Drity *******" end quote.
At the police station I was asked for my name, dob etc. I just told them my details and signed nothing and did not reply to anything asked. I knew from that moment on, anything I said would be used in court if it went that far.
So there I was in a police cell on my own with the question in my mind, WHY, why me? I've done nothing wrong. I kept telling myself It will be fine, the police will see find out she's told a pack of lie's.
I was giving a lawyer, to whom was a woman. I was advised to do a NO COMMENT interview as the police will use anything said and twist it.
So thats what I did. The officer conducting the interview read my rights and asked if I understand, to the reply of NO from me. He then read the statement of rights again, repeating, do you understand? I Said NO, I do not allow you to stand over me. What I did there was not grant him his authority. I have been reading about challenging legal authority and legal lease. He asked if I was mental, I said "NO COMMENT"
To cut the interview short, every question the officer asked me was NO COMMENT. He even got bored in asking the questions to me. I don't like the police what so ever. They are not a service anymore, they help companies to take your money and want you to pay up in terms of Fix Fines.
They all have weapons too.
Anyway, going off topic here..... When the interview ended I was told I could not reside at my home! as my partner had 2 children at the house
I was evicted Ilegaly! even though my bail sheet shown address of the home. Wan*ers! My partner came to pick me up in the car, I was amess as soon as I clapped my eyes on her. We want home and we talked about what just happened until we needed to pick the kids up from school. Just so you know, I am not the kids Dad, but have always treated them as such.
We picked the kids up and I stayed in the car on the next street, because of the bail. We went home and had to wait for children services to see us. Once the guy came, looked at the kids and asked a few questions. He then told me if I do not go they will take the kids. I was fine to be home with the kids with my partner but not to sleep. Then the cost of finding somewhere for me to live was in our minds. We had been saving money and doing so well at saving too. I Stayed in a dirty B&B but it was cheap £25 a night. I stayed there for 4 nights in total before I decided to move out of the area closer to my work. Inbetween staying at the B&B and moving 40 miles away from home I passed my driving test too. I don't know how I did that with olny just being nicked 3 days before, but hey, I did.
Before all this happened my partner and I was planing to move house to my home town. That same month we had bid come though and we took it. So I took some time off work and helped move my family 150 miles away to my birth town. I stayed working 125 miles away from my partner and the kids, I still needed to work and working, keeping busy, helped me keep the matter at the back of my head. We then thought it would be a good idea to take holidays from work and stay with my mother in my home town (where my partner now lives) for 2 weeks. All good is good, I did. I got to my partners house (I still called it home) and my partner shown me a letter from children services asking her to attend a meeting at their offices. I noticed the time and date had already pasted and asked my partner what happened? She broke down, I knew bad news was about to fill my ears. She told me I can not have any contact with te kids even with her in our company. It was all due to my partner sticking up for me in the meeting she had with children serivces and deemed her unable to protect the children from me! I was shocked and upset. We had not heard from this new children serivces for month and months as we was still under the eye of the other county's serivces.
I went back to my work home 30 mins after my partner told me. She wanted me to stay but it was hard to tell her I can't, we can't lose the kids. So that was that. I had 2 weeks sitting on my own doing nothing. I hated it.
As time went on my bail just kept being extended and extended. I finaly moved to my home town and lived with my mother, she knew all about this ordeal which was ongoing at the time. I was asked to meet with children services when i moved into my mothers for a chat. I went and asked what can be done as my partner was almost ready to give birth to my son.
It turned out that I could be in the house (Partners) when the kids went to school. This helped a lot. I was rushing to paint the rooms and do the DIY, we all know what its like when we move house, don't we?

6 months had pasted by this time and my son was born, I was there to see him born, no one was taking that right away from me! I made that so clear to them. The moment I seen my baby, I was over the moon. I did not care about what was going on at this time as I knew it was all lies and I just wanted to do the best for my newborn son and the rest of the family.
Once our little lad was home it got even worse, unable to be with my boy even with my partner home and the kids at school. Children Services had to use my mother so I could have supervised contact with my own son. I was so angry I made complents to MP's the head of the Social, you name it i did it. Did it help you my ask, did it hell. It made the ordeal worse. The Social worker started taking it personal and started telling managers a was very abusive and she was afriad for her safety. All i did was hand her a letter of notice and complient. Lucky we have been tape recording everything, she lied and we have the proof

It now 8 months later from the day the police came knocking. I got a call from the officer dealing with the case, got told I had to come and answer bail. He had told me in the past if NFA he would just call and say so, I knew that I was going to be charged with something I did not do.
Off I went 125 miles away to answer my bail. (oh I forgot to say, the police changed my details too. they changed my DOB by one day. I will talk more about this later on) I got charged with 7 counts of Sexual assualt by sexual touching of a child under 13. It started from when the girls was 6 years old, right upto 12 years old (my ex's child).
I was shocked and felt sick on the spot and needed a drink of water before a past out! I ask the officer "What evidence do you have?" knowing there was nothing, as I did not do anything which they say I have. He said "everything we spoke about in the interview"
I told him, how can you have, there is nothing to have! ? He just said "well, here is your court date".
The first court hearing was just a few weeks away from being charged. Went to the court on the day they told me to go, looking forward to seeing this stuff they said they asked me about in the interview. They said I wiped myself clean with a towel!!!
I went into a room with the lawyer, love and behold, there was nothing but statements and only statement. I knew they had nothing, as nothing happened. It was a funny old day at court because the very guy my ex girlfriend kicked me out to be with was at court too!! Right away I starting thinking... shes sent him to see whats going on with my case! Infact, what I was about to learn was so shocking... It was a case charger!!! I looked at the court listings and found his name on the listing too, what!!! So i asked the lawyer about this and he said he could be here for anything. It was only when I got in contact and starting using another firm of law they made the connection. He too had been accused by the same girl!! Really???? This was a big shock and I so wanted to contact this guy and ask him what was going on.
So It all goes to crown court and between the court hearings the two cases get joined together and both defenices get to see each others case files and so on. I can't go into detail about this as the law does not permitt me too.
The last court hearing before the trial the court tell us both that the trial will last 5 days in total and gave us a date which was just over a years time. One more year to wait.
Its now time to go to trial and we started on a Monday, the jury get swon in. The police had been keeping data from the girls mobile phone and the other accused lawyer had been asking for the raw data for 11 months. The police and CPS said it was due to Data protection to why this data was not disclosed and the big man in the red seat said "I order this to be disclosed, if you plan to use just a little bit to help the CPS case. You must disclose the data." That being said the trial was put back for a week as the phone data which came tolight had 5000 pages of text msg and call logs!!
The data within the phone had everything, every lie. And the CPS and Police did not disclose it, as they knew it would end the case.
After all the data (msg) had been highlighted by our teams we went back to trial, new jury swon in too. I can't go into much detail about the trail, but her lies came out in the court room. 4 more days in court and the jury are out to come back with a verdict.
They took around an hour and I tell you this. Standing up and waiting for that one jury member to tell you your fate is alwful, everything goes through your mind, your children, your partner and your heart will beat so hard to the point you think your about to die! When the clark of the court asked that one jury member how do you find the defenant on count one, Everything slowed down for a moment in my head. "NOT GUILTY" came out, and then again and again. As soon as the first NOT GUILTY was read out. My partner was crying! I started to wellup on the 6th count and by the time the 7th count came in as NOT GUILTY I was crying my eyes out. The other guy also was found NOT GUILTY and his family all brokedown too.
Before we could say anything the big man said your free to go! just like that. We hugged each other as we lefted the courtroom and needed a smoke.
2 years of our lifes in the pits of hell. 1 year and 1/2 watching my boy grow up via whatapp. Who will give me back that time I missed out feeding my son, who will give me back my time not rocking him to sleep in my arms? No one!
With the trial only ended this week. Children Serivces contacted me the next day after. They now need to work with me and my partner before I can move back in and be that whole family unit again. Children services between the years also said to my partner "This is what he does" "You don't know him that well" "He likes to do things with children" and the best one was "YOU WILL NOT EVER BE A FAMILY AGAIN" all this has been audo recoreded and in due course will be used to file claim for slander of me. They even told me I can't used the rest rooms in the hospital as they may be chilfren using them.
Oh before I forget, you know I told you early on that my date of birth got changed, remember me saying that?
Well, here is a shocker for you.. My bail sheet got sent to me in the post when they renewed it one time. My date of birth was changed by one day. You may thing well.....thats nothing really is it! Think again!
When I was in a Care plan meeting with all bodies, like, Police, school, social services, doctors etc etc. The Police had something very nice to say about me. This was said with me, my partner and mother in the room. The police went on the date of birth which was changed for what ever reasion to run checks on me, I think this was done sometime ago, due to children services saying what they did to my partner.
The Police read out some convitions with the incorrent date of birth and told a table of 8 people I was convicted of rape of a girl under 6 years of age. Can you think of the looks and shock that came along with that comment!!!! I told them this is wrong and childrren serivces took months to come out and say yes it was wrong. The Police have yet to comment, I have not had any letter saying sorry. because why? If they do they will get sued!!
So yeah, thats one hell of a mess right there hey. But trust me, keep looking for anything which will clear your name. Fight the scum which tell lies again rape and sexual matters. I will stay around to talk with people in the same boat i've been in.