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hubby got 24 years life imprisonment

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  • hubby got 24 years life imprisonment

    Hi evryone, I have posted a couple of times before firstly when my husband was arrested back in 2006 then this summer before his trial started. Now I am left on my own with 2 children (his) a daughter aged 4 and a boy aged 10 mths (I was 26 weeks preg when he was arrested) I have had to cope with having my baby on my own being a single parent yet what kept me going through it all was the belief that my husband would either walk out of that courtroom a free man or just get a short sentence How wrong i was!
    I have always stood by my husband I have been with him for 15 years and you don't just throw that away but the jury didnt believe a word of the defence (the truth) they chose to believe all the prosecution had to say when the verdicts were read out I was there in the public gallery as I had been everyday for the 3 week trial some of the female jury memebrs were actually in tears then why? why convict an innocent man ? I have always believed in the police but not anymore there was no positive ids a partial dna match on 2 of the attacks (saliva)and no other evidence actually to the contrary stating the attacker was blonde 5ft 5 and blue eyes my husband is 5ft 11 dark hair (black) and brown eyes how can this b justice ? His defence team supposedly one of the best in the country (on legal aid) did what they coulkd but how cld they compete with the cps who were given unlimited funds from the government to tie up this case. It was so wrong so there i sat in complete shock but that upset has turned to anger we will fight this misscarriage of justice however long and however much it costs he is due for poss parole in 10 years after missing out on both his childrens lives until that point. He is now been put on cat "a" status in a london prison so havent even been able to visit him until we have been home office and police cleared. 2 girls whom he has been convicted on have alreday been braggin about how easy it was they have lied all the way thru they never even went to the police to say that they had been raped (a long story) and only one girl made it to court was given full protection but when it came to actually swearin on oath that she had been raped she cldnt do it said she wanted to forget it and go home that it shld never have come to this so judge oredered a break and the cps qc went into see her and 5 minlater she carried on and then went onto great detail (what was said behind those closed doors?) As for the other girl she never even came to court because of stress wrote a 1 page statement and thats it of course she got her compensation money aswell. I will keep fighting but in the mean time I am left having to sell the house because i cant afford to live init and relocate out of the area I have lost lots of friends funny how no one wants to know you when you are married to a convicted rapist! My true friends tho have stuck by me and I know will continue to do so I have learnt many thing sover the past year and my children will not be labelled as rapists children hence why we r movin a long way away I have to protect them as much as I can and yes I do still love my husband and always will as for the police dont believe a damn thing they ever tell you and trust no one Katherine xxx

  • #2
    you belive

    fight for what you belive in,, and look after your kids

    yes I do still love my husband and always will as for the police dont believe a damn thing they ever tell you and trust no one Katherine xxx
    know what you mean, i have a copper for a brother in law bent as they come


    • #3
      You will need to be strong for yourself and your children.

      I cannot comment on the case, but know through bitter personal experience of the corrupt and dishonest nature of the UK police in the way they handle these cases.

      Good luck


      • #4
        I don't want any person who has not committed a crime to be convicted but I urge you to stop and think. There will always be people who will convince you that you're right to think he's innocent but there is a good chance he is not. You have children. Imagine how you would feel if one of them were hurt?

        The psychological profilers in my case believe that the man who raped me is married or in a long term relationship. It's alarmingly common.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          IThere will always be people who will convince you that you're right to think he's innocent but there is a good chance he is not. You have children. Imagine how you would feel if one of them were hurt?
          I am appalled at your comment. how dare you say such a thing to a lady who has come here for support and advice? and to mention her children as well is nothing short of emotional blackmail! if someone posted here asking for help because their daughter/sister/partner had been raped, would you post to say that there is a "good chance" the allegation was a lie? would you say that their children would detest them for making up such an evil lie? Is there a "good chance" that you are lying about your own ordeal? see? not very nice when someone dicbelieves you, is it?

          People DO lie about rape, both rapists AND accusers. but i find it abhorrent that you should use a support forum such as this to vent your anger on the innocent partners of those falsely accused who have genuinely come here for guidance and support. Shame you are too cowardly to log in as a registered user.

          Katey, I am so sorry to hear your terrible news. there are a few practical things you can do while your husband is in prison which will hopefully make you and him a little more comfortable in the short term:

          you can set up a "call transfer" from your home phone to your mobile. speak to your provider about it - they will give you a code to tap into your home phone before you go out, which means that all incoming calls will get diverted to your mobile. the caller pays the cost of the call to the landline, and you pay the cost of it to be transferred to your home. this means you will always be able to take his calls even if you are out, and he will not have to use his phonecards for expensive mobile calls.

          you will also be able to order him a paper from the prison newsagent. you can send him a postal order or cheque so that he has a little money to buy things such as shaving foam and tobacco. If he has been in prison less than a month, you can take him a flask (if there is no kettle in his cell) and some clothes.

          good luck with your fight. feel free to PM or email me if you need to talk.


          Last edited by Saffron; 26 November 2007, 06:32 PM.


          • #6
            I am concerned about Katey as I have emailed her from the site with no response.

            The person who commented that Katey's hubby may be guilty I note is not brave enough to even register with the site and prefers to remain completely anonymous!

            I've been involved in so many false allegation cases and I see the evidence that the jury did not see or hear. I sometimes see the evidence that the police had hidden until after trial when it finds it's way into the "unused" bundle - if we're lucky.

            Instead of bemoaning the lack of convictions why not give a few minutes thought to how easy it is to put an innocent man behind bars - no evidence required apart from the word of the complainant.

            Ms unregistered, I am sorry that you suffered something dreadful, believe it or not some of us who run support groups for the falsely accused have actually suffered from various assaults which is another reason we can tell when a complainant is lying.

            Please think before you judge us. One day somebody you love might be put into prison for something he's never done and the accuser will be well rewarded for their lies, at great cost to the taxpayer.
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~


            • #7
              im ok just disgusted

              HI all , I am ok I am just disgusted by the uk criminal justice system. I understand where the above post from unregistered is coming from tho I think she has a lot of anger issues to deal with and acceptance that yes people do get falsely accused of things such as rape I hope she hasn't made it up but it happens lots and lots especially with a nice compensation payout if your rape accusation results in a conviction. The 2 women in my husbands case have already been boasting about the easiest way to make a few grand! I feel utterly appalled and let down by this system called justice. I am left with my 2 children one just a baby with no income as I am now unable to work we were both self employed but becasue I worked in childcare my career in now tatters becaus e of his conviction. I am also being forced to move away taking my children away from their friends and my friends because of the stigma now attached to us I will protect my children at all costs. I will not believ a word of what has been so cruelly said about my husband I know who he is and he is the most loving caring and compassionate guy you could know, not a cold blooded rapist I will not let prison destroy him and I will serve the silent sentence with him all the way after all thats why I married him for better for worse and even tho he is incarcarated in prison I know he loves me and our children more than anything in this world. I will keep fighting and staying strong thankyou for your kind words they mean a lot in this crazy world.


              • #8
                Hi Katey

                You said:
                The 2 women in my husbands case have already been boasting about the easiest way to make a few grand!
                This might assist an appeal depending on who heard it and in what circumstances. I hope you rang the solicitor's number I gave you as he will advise you over the phone as to whether you (and your hubby) qualify for funding. If he does I am sure he will be please to examine the case.
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~

