as my husband is incarcerated for 13 years for crimes he did not commit- oh boy is that another story!!!
anyway, i have been researching many aspects of false accusations of rape to try to put together a pack to help those who are in as much of a state as i was to begin with:this is not an advertisement for my services, just an explanation for the following- anyway i answered a query on a different site to this one, to someone who was fasely accused etc etc, after a few emails he told me, or hinted at, in no uncertain terms that he had actually done the crime he was accused of, against young girls... ok so the question is do i tell the police, or not? he was not living in this country at the i dont even know his real name- the problem is i really really hate the police as they knew it wasnt my hubby who had done this but another member of the family, yt they still stitched him up, due to our **** solicitor... anyway i cant abide the police they make me feel physically sick,,,,, so wot do i do about this? do i stay quiet or talk or wot?help!!!
