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Do people think they're innocent when they're not?

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  • Do people think they're innocent when they're not?

    Have you never questioned, what if I'm wrong? As 1 in 4 women are raped or subject to attempted rape in their lifetimes, what if the man in your life is lying? Or considering public attitudes, what if he didn't think it was rape but it actually was? A piece of research commisioned by amnesty (not some feminist society, before you say it) revealed this:

    More than a quarter of those polled for believed that women were responsible if they wore sexy clothing; 28 per cent thought they were "partially responsible" if they behaved in a flirtatious manner; and one in 12 thought a woman was wholly responsible if she was known to have had many sexual partners.

    Note that none of these are acceptable moral or legal reasons to rape. Women have the right to go through life without being raped. Women have the right to wear a short skirt without being raped. Women have the right to drink without being raped.


    How frightening is that? That means that at least a quarter of the population would believe they were innocent, when they weren't.

    Ask yourself another question. If the majority of women were lying, why is mental illness as a result of the rape (e.g. PTSD or depression) so common amongst rape victims?

  • #2
    Rape vs change of mind

    Well I will tell you this there is a huge difference between Rape (forced) and someone who changes their mind about what happened. I know both. I can tell you that someone who changes there mind a few days latter to cover their a$$ will not have the emotions you claim untill they realize they need to have this emotion. A person who was raped has the emotions rigth away and stays with them for many years and never really goes away. The utter mention of the rapist name makes them tremble.

    You dont' even get into how it makes those that have been accused of such a bad crime, deprression suicide and many more. Pull your head out it does go on. The # you are looking for are closer to 40% and this is over a 10 year period and they are admitted false not found not guilty.

    And to those who say you would never plead guilty to something you have not done have never been in a situation where it is your word against a lyier. Sometimes you have to do what is best for yourself and those around you becuase there is always that chance that you may loose even though you speak the truth. Loose 10 years away from your wife kids and family. Is it really worth that risk? You cant always be selfish and push to clear your name and the amount of stress you are under you just want it to go away. I have thought many times ways to kill myself in the last few mounths. I have been asking (as the stress in my life is way more then I can handle) for help from friends family and if it was not for them I would not be here now.

    What needs to be done to fix the problem Better edication as I know my childern will know all about it. One night stands can change your life forever.


    • #3
      Rape vs change of mind

      Well I will tell you this there is a huge difference between Rape (forced) and someone who changes their mind about what happened. I know both. I can tell you that someone who changes there mind a few days latter to cover their a$$ will not have the emotions you claim untill they realize they need to have this emotion. A person who was raped has the emotions rigth away and stays with them for many years and never really goes away. The utter mention of the rapist name makes them tremble.

      You dont' even get into how it makes those that have been accused of such a bad crime, deprression suicide and many more. Pull your head out it does go on. The # you are looking for are closer to 40% and this is over a 10 year period and they are admitted false not found not guilty.

      And to those who say you would never plead guilty to something you have not done have never been in a situation where it is your word against a lyier. You can go to jail with no physical evidence against you. Sometimes you have to do what is best for yourself and those around you becuase there is always that chance that you may loose even though you speak the truth. Loose 10 years away from your wife kids and family. Is it really worth that risk? You cant always be selfish and push to clear your name and the amount of stress you are under you just want it to go away. I have thought many times ways to kill myself in the last few mounths. I have been asking (as the stress in my life is way more then I can handle) for help from friends family and if it was not for them I would not be here now.

      What needs to be done to fix the problem Better edication as I know my childern will know all about it. One night stands can change your life forever.


      • #4
        Hello Unregistered!

        How would you account for those who are falsely accused of rape when the alleged rape never occurred in the first place? No sexual intercourse, no sexual behaviour, absolutely nothing occurred.

        I would be interested in your reply.
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #5
          as for your last question - the same applies to those falsely accused along with their partners and children - or perhaps we're not supposed to have feelings - we're victims too.
          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


          • #6
            ...or when there is overwhelming evidence in the form of eye witnesses, physical evidence & material evidence of text messeages sent by the false accuser ADMITTING it was a false allegation...and still police DO NOTHING about those who make a false allegation!




            • #7
              Hello again our brave "unregistered" friend!

              I've been looking at the article you kindly provided the link for:

              As a middle aged woman who when younger has frequently got "intoxicated" and woken up with somebody I only met the night before, I would no more cry "rape" then eat my own feet. If I am stupid enough to drink too much and then take somebody to bed who I wouldn't normally even glance at - that is my fault. Regrets a-plenty in the morning but no I would never cry rape.

              However, having been (regretfully) promiscuous in my younger years I do consider that if/when I had been forced into sex then this would construe rape regardless of how I choose or chose to conduct myself. No is no. It has happened but I've never complained because at the end of the day it was my choice to drink to oblivion at that time. Had I not then it would never have occurred.

              "Unregistered" I note you have omitted to add the following little snippet from the article (maybe you didn't see it in your rush to "prove" that men who protest innocence are wrong):

              It's a paradox that while very few rapes end in a conviction (5.8 per cent of reported rapes last year) - once a man is sent down, he is publicly disgraced. If he's sent down as a result of a false allegation, his life may fragment as thoroughly as the lives of many survivors of rape.
              Actually his life fragments anyway. It's not a question of "may" but "does".

              I take issue with this extract from the same article:

              What the Amnesty survey also revealed was an alarming level of ignorance about rape. Only 4 per cent thought that the number of women in Britain raped exceeded 10,000 per year when the true figure is estimated to be more than 50,000. The average estimate for the conviction rate for rape was five times higher than the actual rate - which is one in 20 cases.
              This is I think relates to alleged rapes, not "actual" rapes. An expert said in this excerpt:

              "I give evidence in court regularly. If there are no injuries and you aren't a virgin and you enjoy a drink then, often, the jury just doesn't see rape. We need a public education campaign. We need to monitor the quality of the prosecution and improve the gathering of evidence."
              Could it be that the jury sometimes sees that the person making the complaint has gone out, got pissed, had sex, regretted it and then made false allegations for purposes of an alibi - such as a husband who wants to know where his wife was last night? It happens. Not in every case. But it really does happen.

              Here's another piece that concurs with that thought that appears to have been ignored/unread by "unregistered":

              Of course, some women can and do make false allegations - for example, to hide infidelity or excuse behaviour they'd rather forget. But the numbers are tiny. According to "A Gap or a chasm? Attrition in reported rape cases", a study commissioned by the Home Office published this year, around 3 per cent of 3,500 reported cases of rape constituted false allegations.
              In my experience I doubt those figures. I believe the figure is higher.

              In "Nicola's Story" I was amazed to read this:

              The case went on for a year, then they dropped the charges. It was a nightmare. The police said: "We know he did it", but because I'd had a drink they wouldn't get a conviction. They said I'd have been better being raped by a stranger.
              I know of guys who are in prison right now who are convicted of rape where both parties had had a large amount to drink. Maybe this is some sort of "postcode lottery" because in many of these cases the Crown has successfully prosecuted men where their victims or "victims" had been absolutely out of their tree.

              I believe that common sense should prevail. Yes there are men who jump out at women late at night or deliberately visit somebody with the intent of raping them. These assailants should be jailed for a very long time.

              However I think that women should have some sort of responsibility for their own behaviour. If a woman doesn't want sex then she should not behave as though she does and then change her mind later when she has sobered up.

              Those guys who DO ignore a woman's "NO" should be convicted of rape.

              However, there are far too many women who agree to sex and then regret it in the morning, for whatever reason. I know - I've been one!!!
              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

              PAFAA details ~


              • #8
                Quite right RF...and what about when there are actual (several in my case) witnesses to sexual consent being given by actions, deeds & words, but corrupt police CHOOSE to ignore witnesses with regard to prosecuting the 'false accuser' or is that just my local corrupt police force who have a problem prosecuting lying 'false accusers' and REFUSE to take witness statements from gay/bisexual eye-witnesses????!!!

                Homophobic Basta*ds!

                Honestly, if I saw a police officer lying in the gutter dying, I would not assist these days...and I certainly NEVER used to be like that until I encountered the widespread endemic level of prejudicial conduct, attitudes and down right blo*dy DISHONESTY in the police that I have in the last few years!

                A person who consents to sex (be it male or female) cannot & should not be allowed to get away with 'changing their mind' AFTER the event, just because they are embarased that other people, be it partner or family, have found out or caught them out, that they actually willingly & consensually dropped their knickers.


                • #9
                  The problem, UD, is that (false) accusers do not admit to changing their minds, they claim they never gave consent in the first place.

                  I am not of course denying that rapes do occur, stranger rape date rape or whatever, and if this really has happened then the perpetrator should be dealt with accordingly.

                  I can't say that I would want to have sex in front of an audience which is what seems to have occurred in your case UD, as to me it's a private act, but each to their own.
                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~


                  • #10
                    I might have said (tongue in cheek) that having sex with a witness present may be the sensible way ahead to prevent the 'false accusers', but unfortunately, police decline to take statements from witnesses if they are gay or bi...least that is the multiple case where I live!

                    Mind you in consenting 'group' situations, police ONLY arrest the individual who is openly 'gay'...or is that just my 'homophobic' local police force who act like that?

                    Perhaps compulsory CCTV cameras in every bedroom in the nation might be a way ahead...Ah! but, then you might need a 'model' release form...and who gets the film distribution rights??? lol

                    Sorry, getting silly now, (had a difficult few days, weeks, months) but I REALLY DO actually have 'consent forms' in my bedside drawer these days and I keep all transcripts of internet messege contacts where I am approached online.

                    As you say...each to their own...I personally see no point in being 'blind drunk' when having sex (as you imply you have done in the past RF) you say each to their own!

                    The bottom line is you, (RF) and I know that there are people who have acted completely lawfully, with no intent of malice or ill will, in perfectly consensual situations, who have then been relentlessly persicuted & their lives (and those around them) destroyed by viscious & spiteful 'false rape allegation' and in some cases (far too many it appears) police conduct which has completely lacked integrity, impartiality & transparency of conduct.



                    • #11
                      I don't think I have ever said I was blind drunk when I've been a little "naughty" - I said I'd been intoxicated which can mean anything from a little tiddly to a little over the top. I know what I am like when I've had a few! Having said that, I've never been blind drunk on those occasions.

                      Not wishing to trawl through all of your comments, UD, I think you have said in earlier posts somewhere on here that you had had sex with your accuser in front in front of many people. As you said:

                      ...or when there is overwhelming evidence in the form of eye witnesses....
                      This is what I was referring to, not you issuing consent forms to people you choose to have sex with.
                      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                      PAFAA details ~

