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falsely accused and dont know what to do

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  • falsely accused and dont know what to do

    Hey, I really need some advise. ive been falsely accused of rape and its devasated me. ive been suspended from my job until the matters been resolved. ive been bailed till 3rd jan and i dont know what to do. I cant afford a lawyer, but read i should get rid of the duty solicitor. i know im innocent but i dont have faith in the legal process at the moment. can anyone help me please? Im at my wits end and cant take much more of this.
    The basic facts are that we kissed, and fondled. me not being of the strong stomached, could not do anything as she was on her period (im a wimp i hate the sight of blood). I did "tease" her genitals though but asked if she was ok and got "yeah" as a response. at no stage did she say no, or try push me off. considering I have chipped my coxits a few days earlier (yes i have been to the hospital and the police re checking that out) and the fact that her pants were mid way down her thighs, how could i even physically enter her? i am baffled as to why she has said that i raped her. Jesus even writng the words makes me want to vomit. Why do i get the feeling that this is going to be a long winter?
    Last edited by dofjnr; 7 October 2007, 12:35 AM.

  • #2
    You don't need to afford a solicitor - it is your right to be defended using public funding (used to be called Legal Aid).
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

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