Just popped back on this site for a look and have realized most of the people who were interviewed at the same time as my OH now seem to have had an NFA or a charge
a couple of NGs at trial.
A new witness statement went in a few months ago and all we are getting from OIC and sol is the CPS shouldn't charge with new evidence. Been waiting over 13 months and there seems to be no sense of urgency from anybody. Not really looking for advice just venting really... this wait sends you nutty at times. Hope everybody else is doing okay xx

A new witness statement went in a few months ago and all we are getting from OIC and sol is the CPS shouldn't charge with new evidence. Been waiting over 13 months and there seems to be no sense of urgency from anybody. Not really looking for advice just venting really... this wait sends you nutty at times. Hope everybody else is doing okay xx