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  • Jools

    I need some advice/information..... My partner is currently serving a 2.5 year rape sentence, a crime he did not commit.... - he's out in June 2008 after which he will be on licence for 2.5 years. Probation has just advised him that he will not be allowed to live at my address on his release due to "victim sensitivities". The "offence" occured in York so, as I now live in Leeds - we can only assume the "vicitm" has moved. Are Probation able to actually outline such a large area - i.e. that he can't live in the North of Leeds- which is what they have said! They have also mentioned an exclusion zone. Surely to god - they can't exclude him from my address - that's affecting my rights and his.. It's all a minefield and I'm not sure what to do. His current solicitor is proving to be as much use as a chocolate teapot. I have contacted pafaa and the false allegation organisation but not had a reply....

    Has anyone out there had a similar experience? I'd appreciate any help you could give me...



  • #2
    If you have contacted PAFAA then your email has not reached me. If not, how did you try to make contact?

    Unfortunately I can't contact you from this site as you have left no clickable links in your profile.

    Last edited by Rights Fighter; 10 October 2007, 01:46 PM.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~

