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Wrongly accused and fighting for freedom

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  • Wrongly accused and fighting for freedom

    my husband was wrongly accused and is now serving 13 year for a crime he did not commit......i am starting a campaign to change the law as it is just wrong that someone can be accused of terrrible crimes and be sentenced to many years behind bars while the guilty go free.... please feel free to take a look, and if any one wishes to contact me then please feel free to email me at or write to me at the address below,,, take care


    Warren Blackwell was declared innocent of sexual assault last year after serving over 3 years in prison. His conviction was quashed after the Appeal Court in London learnt his accuser was a serial liar with a long history of crying rape. Frighteningly for us all, as the law stands today, the accuser known as Miss ‘A’s anonymity was protected by the law, enabling her make further allegations of assault by another man.

    Incidents such as these are no doubt dealing with both sensitive and controversial issues. Those who are guilty of such crimes deserve to spend time in prison. Others, like my husband David, wrongly convicted, is serving 13 years for false allegations of historical sexual abuse. Another wrongly convicted man, Richard is serving over 7 years for false allegations of rape. Both these men are INNOCENT, as was Warren Blackwell.

    We believe that the urgent need to protect children from abuse and adults from sexual assault, is overwhelmingly hindered by destroying the careers and reputations of innocent men, while the guilty roam free to offend again. In cases such as David and Richard and many more men in their position, are we so paranoid about missing signs of sexual abuse that we judge on emotion, and pre-conceived ideas rather than on facts?

    The accusers do not even need to have corroborated evidence any more. ‘Similar Fact’ evidence is all that is needed to bring a case to court. Such evidence has enabled innocent men such as David and Richard to be ripped from the heart of their families, their lives forever changed. Signing a sex offender register for life will blight each innocent family it touches for generations to come. YOUR FAMILY COULD BE NEXT.

    The cost of keeping innocent men such as David and Richard imprisoned is approximately £37,000.00 each per year. This cost does NOT INCLUDE court fees, solicitors’ fees, the costs of police investigations etc. REMEMBER, THESE COSTS ARE PAID BY YOU, THE TAXPAYER.

    There is a strong argument for video or audio taping of all police interviews with complainants to ensure officers do not generate false allegations. There is, among some members of parliament, deep concern over the conduct of police interviews with witnesses and the integrity of witness testimony. This questions whether the Crown Prosecution Service is drawing fair conclusions regarding the decision to prosecute. The police need convictions to meet their government targets. Meanwhile, the wrongly convicted, such as David and Richard, are filling up prisons needlessly while real sex offenders are being served with community services because prisons are full to overflowing, even non-violent criminals are being released early as announced in the last few days.

    With the concern of sexual abuse prevalent today, juries may convict with doubt rather than make a mistake. If trials were fair for all, with evidence available to both parties, and not withheld, as was in the case of Warren Blackwell, David, Richard and many others, then juries could make a better-informed decision. Under the present system, YOU, OR ANY INNOCENT PERSON, CAN BE FOUND GUILTY. Trials cannot be fair when the prosecution/defence or police can withhold evidence. Evidence should be accessible to all parties.

    After all, while serial liars such as ‘Miss A’ can be awarded up to £33,000 compensation from a government run scheme, after a false allegation, then the allegations are going to continue to rise. There is, after all, no retribution for the likes of those who have made false allegations against the innocent such as David and Richard. The accusers go free, and the innocent are falsely imprisoned and stigmatised for the rest of their lives. The law needs to change so that a trial is fair for all, and the accused are given the right to defend themselves adequately.

    Please sign this petition. Please feel free to offer as little or as much support as you wish. If you want to know further details, or feel I can help you in any way then please get in touch at the address below. Together we can make a difference. IT IS TIME TO FIGHT BACK.

    Jo Bell
    P.O.BOX 177
    PE14 8WW

  • #2

    I have private messaged you. If you need any further advice please feel free to contact me.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~

