hi 2 all!! 2 weeks a go i was arrested on Gatwick airport .coming urgent back in uk 3 days earlier from ,,holiday" on 7th because i heard something bad is happens and is about my daughter said on school about something like ...my mum cried and my dad was talking too loud (said my girlfriend)!!!
SURPRISEEEEE!!!!suspect of rape !! and released on bail 37(2) NO EVIDENCE NO NOTHING !
after i left uk on 30th September or on 29th i don't know yet ,my girlfriend was on police station and accused me of 6 YEARS OF RAPE AND ABUSE ETC (MY DAUGHTER IS 5 YEARS AND 9 MONTHS WICH COULD BE A RAPE PROOF ON MY EX GIRLFRIEND CRIMINAL MIND
((((),,,,,being back home to solve some documents.. of course not for fun or something else ...
any way my question is if she made this accusations on 29 th or 30th after 36 hours is the time to record the claim on police station right?
on 2.10 .2016 she was placed on social hostel (i know this from her) i was talking on Facebook and Whatsapp all the time UNTIL 5TH OCTOBER, PROOF ON PHONES!!!SHE MAKE CONTACT WITH ME !!!! AS A VICTIM OF THIS SERIOS ACCUSATIONS SHE WAS ALOUD TO GET CONTACT WITH THE SUSPECT? WHATS NEXT?THANK U!
SURPRISEEEEE!!!!suspect of rape !! and released on bail 37(2) NO EVIDENCE NO NOTHING !
after i left uk on 30th September or on 29th i don't know yet ,my girlfriend was on police station and accused me of 6 YEARS OF RAPE AND ABUSE ETC (MY DAUGHTER IS 5 YEARS AND 9 MONTHS WICH COULD BE A RAPE PROOF ON MY EX GIRLFRIEND CRIMINAL MIND

any way my question is if she made this accusations on 29 th or 30th after 36 hours is the time to record the claim on police station right?
on 2.10 .2016 she was placed on social hostel (i know this from her) i was talking on Facebook and Whatsapp all the time UNTIL 5TH OCTOBER, PROOF ON PHONES!!!SHE MAKE CONTACT WITH ME !!!! AS A VICTIM OF THIS SERIOS ACCUSATIONS SHE WAS ALOUD TO GET CONTACT WITH THE SUSPECT? WHATS NEXT?THANK U!