Originally posted by Jan11
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It's hard to keep up the pretence, but try not to think of it like that. Try to think in terms of being an Oscar-winning actress. You have a job to do at the moment, which is to keep a brave face on things, but it will not last for ever, just like shooting a movie - and what you are hiding from people is stuff that is none of their business.
Getting from bail date to bail date is a marathon, and it's less to do with burying your head in the sand than just getting through from day to day. It's an endurance task. My man's bail date is looming again and I can see and feel the tension building too. Know that you are not alone with these feelings. I sometimes think that this only happens to lovely people. My man is lovely too and didn't deserve this. Neither did, you, I, or the family members who support us, and we are all lovely people who wouldn't wish this on our worst enemies.
The false accusers are, I think, are often narcissists who don't give a fig about anyone but themselves. Realising that helped me not waste too much energy on worrying about them, in spite of them being family members. It's heartbreaking, I know, but the only people we can control and begin to understand is ourselves. My heart is shattered worrying about the family members who support us and don't understand the accusers.
The only way to go is forward, taking each day as it comes. Tomorrow is another day and I hope you feel more able to cope in the morning.
