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I've been wrongly accused of rape

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  • I've been wrongly accused of rape

    Last saturday nite i met up with a woman i have known for a while. we ended up havin consentual sex twice. At the end she freaked out and said i raped her, she call the police and i was arrestted on suspicion of rape. would like to corrospand with or seek advice from anyone who has been accused
    Last edited by pj505; 24 May 2007, 12:07 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by pj505 View Post
    Last saturday nite i met up with a woman i have known for a while. we ended up havin consentual sex twice. At the end she freaked out and said i raped her, she call the police and i was arrestted on suspicion of rape. would like to corrospand with or seek advice from anyone who has been accused
    omg I feel for you, I went through a year of sheer hell when this happened to my son. Thank god all turned out well for him. She actually stood up in court on the day and said "I didnt say I was raped, I cant remember!" it makes me ashamed of my sex.


    • #3

      C.P.S have looked at it and thrown it out. Should have never had the allegation made against me in the first place.

      Although its over legally, nothing can repair the 13 hours i spent in a police cell, missing my mothers 65th birthday, the rumours and accusations floating about my home town and the general degrading treatment by the police and forensics!!!!!!


      • #4

        Although i've had only one response (thank you cathy) basically any woman can cry rape and put any male through sheer hell, could happen to anyone, even if you ain't done nothing, scary thought innit, wouldn't wish my experience on anyone.


        • #5
          concerned mum

          My son has been questioned for an accusation of rape today. I feel sick. I dont think he did this as he had been seeing and spending nights with her on more than 3 occasions. I find myself wondering has he got a problem? did he? would he? To ice the cake he suffers from depression and if this is not true he will become ill from the stress of it. Can anyone advise how long it takes to come to court. If he didnt do it will the police charge the woman or can he?
          Her ex boyfriend had discovered their meetings and sent in a text to my son that he was welcome to her as she is mad and he had had to put up with her for ages. Obviously the Police will have to question them. He has been told to go back on 31st of this month. Will they know by then do you think? Due to his low self esteem he always seems to meet young ladies with problems.
          One thing that worries me is that people will think there must be some truth in it, even I am wondering. Why would this young lady (18 years old) lie? I know people can. I am so worried for him and upset, yet so angry. He has children by ex partner, this could cause such problms.


          • #6
            Hi concerned mum

            The police have to "investigate" every such allegation. Women (and men) lie about sexual abuse all the time - there is a lot of money to be made even if there is no conviction at the end of it.

            How did her ex boyfriend come to have your son's mobile phone number in order to text it?

            He will need to find a solicitor experienced in these matters - I am assuming he had a duty solicitor? He needs to change that - where in the UK are you and is he still protesting his innocence?



            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            My son has been questioned for an accusation of rape today. I feel sick. I dont think he did this as he had been seeing and spending nights with her on more than 3 occasions. I find myself wondering has he got a problem? did he? would he? To ice the cake he suffers from depression and if this is not true he will become ill from the stress of it. Can anyone advise how long it takes to come to court. If he didnt do it will the police charge the woman or can he?
            Her ex boyfriend had discovered their meetings and sent in a text to my son that he was welcome to her as she is mad and he had had to put up with her for ages. Obviously the Police will have to question them. He has been told to go back on 31st of this month. Will they know by then do you think? Due to his low self esteem he always seems to meet young ladies with problems.
            One thing that worries me is that people will think there must be some truth in it, even I am wondering. Why would this young lady (18 years old) lie? I know people can. I am so worried for him and upset, yet so angry. He has children by ex partner, this could cause such problms.
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~


            • #7
              just out of curiosity why did they trow it out? i have too been falsely accused not been charged and am traumatised of being held over nite in a cell - i am a law student and an ex girlfiriend who was living with me and lying to me has made the accusation out of pure spite! i have given detailed accounts to police about everything that happened. was arrested for kidnap false imprisonment and rape but the kidnapping charge was dropped and I have been bailed for false imrpisonment and rape...By making the allegation it has destroyed my life. I just want to see a light at the end of the tunnel and curious to know why ur case was dropped so quickly?


              • #8
                Me and family went through the same allegation, we went through twelve months of hell and at the end of november last year it was all over he was found Not guilty and it was thrown out of court,i am now helping my son with depression and he is very very wary of any woman, make sure your families support you all the way through allegations of this sort, and get a good barrister like my son did, he was excellant and i could not thank him enough, he ripped that family apart, and my son never once stood up in court and gave any evidence, it was over after two days of us all suffering,the family kept trying to add other things on my son , i wish everyone luck and the will to fight accusation of this sort, with out this forum i would have cracked up, rights fighter is excellant, she knows her stuff and i spoke to her on numerous occasions just to let things off my chest, it was nice that she gave time .................................. just a thought..... there are alot of women who are trully raped and suffer the trauma but there are alot of women and girls who cry rape who havent been, and it all boils down to being in arrears with there rent just like that family did to my son... i still am very bitter to this day and worse of all they still live on the street, how have i coped ???? determination, having the last laugh, my family and neighbours and friends,and lastly being strong willed ............... dont let no-one take any of that away Marie xx


                • #9
                  Me and family went through the same allegation, we went through twelve months of hell and at the end of november last year it was all over he was found Not guilty and it was thrown out of court,i am now helping my son with depression and he is very very wary of any woman, make sure your families support you all the way through allegations of this sort, and get a good barrister like my son did, he was excellant and i could not thank him enough, he ripped that family apart, and my son never once stood up in court and gave any evidence, it was over after two days of us all suffering,the family kept trying to add other things on my son , i wish everyone luck and the will to fight accusation of this sort, with out this forum i would have cracked up, rights fighter is excellant, she knows her stuff and i spoke to her on numerous occasions just to let things off my chest, it was nice that she gave time .................................. just a thought..... there are alot of women who are trully raped and suffer the trauma but there are alot of women and girls who cry rape who havent been, and it all boils down to being in arrears with there rent just like that family did to my son... i still am very bitter to this day and worse of all they still live on the street, how have i coped ???? determination, having the last laugh, my family and neighbours and friends,and lastly being strong willed ............... dont let no-one take any of that away Marie xx


                  • #10

                    me and my family are currently going through sheer hell awaiting the upcoming trial for my 19 year old brother who has been falsey accused of rape i have never been through such a terrible time in my full life no one can understand the pain hurt and anger involved unless you have been through this we all just feel so helpless and screwed because her word has just been taken as truth and its upto my brother to prove his innocence its really taking its toll on the full family and the waiting is the worst part this has been hanging over us for a full year and we cannot take much more we have 2 months until we find out one way or another.the anger is the worst at the injustice of it all it has completely changed my view on rape.anyone who can reply and give some friendly advice wuld be appreciated


                    • #11
                      accused of rape

                      We have just learned today that the accusation made against my son (15) by another boy(13) has been thrown out by the CPS.
                      We knew for a fact there was no truth to this accusation but we felt the police had already made up their mind that because the accusation was made my son was guilty.
                      We Contacted a solicitor and got legal aid to fight the case,we were in contact with the police station who i must admit were useless ( i am in the process of getting an appointment with the chief superintendent to make a complaint about the way we were treated) They had known there was to be NO CASE since july 19th and NO ONE had the curtesy to let us know.
                      Its small consolation to learn the cps threw out the case, As My son has a POLICE ARREST on record that cant be removed, but the accuser has no such Smear on his character. The law really needs changes that would allow those who make False accusations to be NAMED & SHAMED ON A LIST SIMILAR TO THE LIST FOR SEX OFFENDERS,THESE PEOPLE ARE AS DANGEROUS AS ACTUAL RAPISTS. THEY MUST BE PENALISED


                      • #12

                        in feb 2007 my best friend was murdered and to try to get away with the murder he made an allegation of rape on his girlfriend i was arrested on his allegation questioned for 36 hours released on bail the whole community thought this was true ive been in numerous fights protecting my honour my girlfriend doubted me and the police even stopped me in the street calling me a rapist finally this week i got a letter from my solicitors saying no charges no apology or nothing ive been through a nightmare my question to anyone is as the male made the allegation not the woman can i sue the police for slander or for keeping me on bail on this mans say so for six months i want an inquiry because the whole community thought i was a rapist and mud sticks i am expected to shut up but wont i need JUSTICE can anyone help ????


                        • #13
                          Do NOT rely upon the police to act with honesty, integrity, impartiality or transparency of conduct. In my personal experience they DO NOT!

                          Gather ANY witness statements, but truthfully, from witnesses in writing AND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. It is difficult for the police to then interview defence witnesses (if they even bother) and for the police to then write the statments leaving out essential detail to the defence or for police to effectively create a statement which is less than truthful.

                          My experience of dishonest UK police has left me scathing!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
                            Hi concerned mum

                            The police have to "investigate" every such allegation.

                            RUBBISH! The police DO NOT investigate, they gather evidence to obtain a prosecution, which is something entirely different.

                            UK Police DO NOT investigate otherwise they would interview and take statements from defence witnesses, gather physical evidence which supports the defence case and not ignore it, take note of text and phone calls to witnesses where the accuser ADMITS to false allegation.

                            With the NEW 2003 Sexual Offences Act rape laws police are in my belief and experience having a field day topping up their arrest rates whilst not investigating impartialy, honestly, and with integrity, in any way properly!

