Hello everyone,
Like most users,I read through the new posts most days and when appropriate I comment with advice.
But a worrying trend I am noticing Is forum users willingness to go into very fine detail about their case and the specifics.
The Police do read this forum,they investigate crime for a living (whether fairly and with due dilligence is another question!),so i'm sure given enough detail,they could link you to an on going case. Don't fall into the trap of being too transparent, once something has been posted,all it needs is a screenshot and it can never be deleted.
I apologise if what i've said is obvious to some,but i woulf hate to see a FA member ruin their chances of a NFA or aquittal because of a comment made on a forum.
I apologise in advance if this post isn't needed,feel free to delete or move as appropriate admins!
Like most users,I read through the new posts most days and when appropriate I comment with advice.
But a worrying trend I am noticing Is forum users willingness to go into very fine detail about their case and the specifics.
The Police do read this forum,they investigate crime for a living (whether fairly and with due dilligence is another question!),so i'm sure given enough detail,they could link you to an on going case. Don't fall into the trap of being too transparent, once something has been posted,all it needs is a screenshot and it can never be deleted.
I apologise if what i've said is obvious to some,but i woulf hate to see a FA member ruin their chances of a NFA or aquittal because of a comment made on a forum.
I apologise in advance if this post isn't needed,feel free to delete or move as appropriate admins!
