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  • help

    Please help me - my son has been charged with rape and I am desperate.

    I went away for a night to stay in a hotel and my son brought a number of friends back, they were all drinking and taking cocaine. When I cam home at about 6pm all had left except my son his friend and this girl ( her friends had left earlier in the day) she stayed in my sons room with his friend lying in the bed for the rest of the day until finally, after me forcing the issue with my son, she left in a taxi at 11pm in the evening. My son says they had sex and fell asleep and when I chapped the door he got up to put the light on and she started saying you and you pal tried it on with me and I didnt want that. The taxi arrived and his pal went out to get it and had to return to get her as she was taking so long - we witnessed this. His firend has confirmed to police that he woke up and they were having consenual sex so he went back to sleep. She says in her statement that the friend tried to kiss her and that she woke up with my son on top of her and she kicked him off ( my son said he had ejaculated so surely if he had he would not still be on top of her) The friend has not been charged and medical examination say no injuries on either my son or her. The police called him to an identity parade last week which I found strange as she already new my son for some time - previously kissed and we have a witness that will testify she asked to be set up with my son. The evening after this is supposed to happen and prior to her reporting to the police her parents arrived at my door saying 'your son and his pal raped my daughter' my son came down and they asked what had happend - my son confirmed that they had sex including oral and she was doing things to herself also. The parents then asked - after telling - did your pal have sex with her and my son said no. We called the police as we did not know what to do and when they didnt arrive we called again to be advised that as he had complained. The police arrived in the middle of the night and took him away, they also took away all the bedding ,clothes and cd which cocain had been taken off of, which lay untouched. Initially the police released him pending further enquires then came back and charged him ( he admitted the cocaine). Despite me chasing the police they have never came back to take our statements - there were 5 of us in the house at the time of the alledged rape - surely if she was raped she would have came to us in the house or ran out not wait for a taxi home with his pal - the one she also claimed tried to rape her?
    Further the police said to his friend I feel sorry for your pal this could happen to anyone - the doctor also said this is happening all the time girls getting drunk and crying rape. Also she had been out partying from the Thursday night taking drink and drugs ( didnt come to our house to early hours of Sunday morning) and had not been home till she left our house on the Sunday night. I am ill with this - can you please tell m e what you think will happen from any personal experiences

  • #2
    Im sorry to say this but dont get you hopes up, there is no justice in this country.

    My Partner was i believe falsely convicted of rape in 2005 after a drunken night out with his brother he gave up to temptation of this 18 year old girl who had tried several times throughout the night to kiss and grope him. One thing led to another and they ended up at the back of the pub no intercourse took place just some oral sex when her mates realised she was missing went to look for her and found her at the back of the pub with her knickers round her ankles only when her mate shouted up what you doing you raped her did she say anything, even though cctv shows her walking to back of pub kissing and groping him taking her own clothes off i belive she is embarresed of the situation and this is why she continued with this nonsense.

    i went to court and listened to the so called evidence, no DNA they said he spiked her no drugs in system, she took her own clothes off. he is now facing 9 years in prison for nothing the sad thing is he has tried to take his own life had death threats from other prisoners and never got to say goodbye to his grandad who sadly passed away. i would not stand by a man if i thought he was guilty of rape no matter how much i loved him, yes im aware he cheated, but by no means does that make him a rapist we will deal with our problems privately.

    so again i stress dont bank on justice cos it just doesnt happen!!!!!


    • #3

      I am delighted to tell you that all charges have been dropped against my son after 7 1/2 months of hell for all our family. My prayers are with all those going through a similar experience. All that worry, and a two sentence letter from the Crown brings it all to an end.


      • #4
        Police have a habit, to my knowledge, of ignoring eye-witnesses which can speak for the defence.

        I have gone from thinking 'police have a difficult job, so are bound to make minor errors' to the view 'the majority of uk police will misconduct themselves in any manor they can to get away with, to obtain a conviction'.

        Soory, but thats my personal experience of a considerable number of police officers I have had contact with.

