Hello All,
I understand this is an U.K. forum. Therefor, I just want to state right off the bat that the person I am speaking about is in the U.S.
I am deeply concerned about a friend of mine. Four years ago a woman decided to spread a rumor that he had raped her. It was never brought to the police (to my knowledge at least) as it was probably just done to garner attention or sympathy from their circle of friends.
At the time, he was crippled with anxiety. He refused to leave his home, and never wanted to do anything (meanwhile, this woman is out partying and strutting around like a peacock.) He hit an all-time low when he got drunk and tried to kill himself at a party they were both at. After that, he separated himself from their mutual circle of friends (I belong to a different circle,) and the healing process had begun. It was slow, but I started to see him improve. He was eventually, what I would call, stable... until things became too good.
He was accepted to a small school outside of the city (he needed to leave the city to heal.) There met many wonderful friends, plays college athletics, and has a great job working with children. But all the anxiety came back to him. He's scared one day he's going to get a call from the police to come and arrest him. Or the old rumors that plagued him will somehow follow him to his new home (he' away from the city, but not THAT far away.) Also, he told the constant discussion of rape on the campus bothers him. He feels people will talk about him the same way they talk about rapists. He's worried that his new friends will turn on him, or they will be ridiculed for standing by him.
I know he sees a therapist, and he takes anti-depressants (although, I don't know if he takes them regularly.) But when I asked if he shared this incident with her he said he was too scared. He was concerned she wouldn't believe him since she is a college therapist. I am urging him to talk about with her as it is the root of all his trauma, but the best response I got was a "I'll think about it."
I don't know what to do. Luckily, I don't think he will hurt himself. Although he has been suicidal in the past. I think he just feels powerless, and that he simply has no control over his future. He should be so happy with all the amazing things that God is doing in his life. Wonderful friends, college athletics, good work, a strong passion for helping others, etc. But all I see is a miserable, empty husk. I miss my excitable, happy-go-lucky friend, and I want him back! Is there anything I can do to help him? Is there any advice you would share with him if you could?
Thank you so much!
I understand this is an U.K. forum. Therefor, I just want to state right off the bat that the person I am speaking about is in the U.S.
I am deeply concerned about a friend of mine. Four years ago a woman decided to spread a rumor that he had raped her. It was never brought to the police (to my knowledge at least) as it was probably just done to garner attention or sympathy from their circle of friends.
At the time, he was crippled with anxiety. He refused to leave his home, and never wanted to do anything (meanwhile, this woman is out partying and strutting around like a peacock.) He hit an all-time low when he got drunk and tried to kill himself at a party they were both at. After that, he separated himself from their mutual circle of friends (I belong to a different circle,) and the healing process had begun. It was slow, but I started to see him improve. He was eventually, what I would call, stable... until things became too good.
He was accepted to a small school outside of the city (he needed to leave the city to heal.) There met many wonderful friends, plays college athletics, and has a great job working with children. But all the anxiety came back to him. He's scared one day he's going to get a call from the police to come and arrest him. Or the old rumors that plagued him will somehow follow him to his new home (he' away from the city, but not THAT far away.) Also, he told the constant discussion of rape on the campus bothers him. He feels people will talk about him the same way they talk about rapists. He's worried that his new friends will turn on him, or they will be ridiculed for standing by him.
I know he sees a therapist, and he takes anti-depressants (although, I don't know if he takes them regularly.) But when I asked if he shared this incident with her he said he was too scared. He was concerned she wouldn't believe him since she is a college therapist. I am urging him to talk about with her as it is the root of all his trauma, but the best response I got was a "I'll think about it."
I don't know what to do. Luckily, I don't think he will hurt himself. Although he has been suicidal in the past. I think he just feels powerless, and that he simply has no control over his future. He should be so happy with all the amazing things that God is doing in his life. Wonderful friends, college athletics, good work, a strong passion for helping others, etc. But all I see is a miserable, empty husk. I miss my excitable, happy-go-lucky friend, and I want him back! Is there anything I can do to help him? Is there any advice you would share with him if you could?
Thank you so much!
