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  • Surprised

    Well I have to say I never thought this would happen it might be a small thing but means so much to OH and myself , all these months we have kept ourselves to just us and and a few family members but OH went shopping on his own - another good step , and one of our old neighbours made a beeline for him and went on to say they were aware ( probably from Mr and Mrs FA's parents who think we are so community spirited ( not - all front ) of the situation and how they did not believe it and were 100% on that and went on to say a few other things that I won't go into here , they said thus several times to OH over a quite long conversation . So it sorta has restored a bit of faith in both of us that not everyone believes these awful damaging lies . Bet the OIC never spoke to any of the neighbours maybe we should tell them too ? .

    It will be 9 months and 8 re- bails by the next time OH answers bail ( or tea and biscuit time as another poster as put on this site , it did amuse me ) it's tough but for those at the beginning of these horrible accusations we keep busy all the time and have a positive thought everyday no matter how little .

    We have no jobs now ( just the way it was all done and the mouths of the FA telling the town made it impossible to carry on our business) we lost our home as I could not possibly live there on my own with the intimidation and things the FA and family were doing ( you may say call the police we did - and were told what do you want us to do about it !!!) I put the phone down and they sent an email saying they would ask patrols to keep an eye out - really good eh! .

    OH and I both have those thoughts one day it will all be cleared up as it should and another time the doom and gloom of all things bad . Not wanting to Nashe a one new feel bad the plus side is that you do become almighty tougher and learn to have a new sort of life and living .

    Question - not that we will , but what happens if you name the FA to all and sundry ? I almost want to put up a massive poster on a roundabout with her name and some choice words - sorry just in a moan mode

    Hope everyone doing well today.

  • #2
    Oops small mistake I did mean they think they are pillars of community when in fact most people see them as all mouth and no trousers so to speak . Parents of FA are well known for meddling in everyone's business and then saying that they helped them . Just hearing if there money issues too wonder if you can find out if the have actually out in for the compo claim on FA behalf . umm that sets me off again now - although I still reckon five because of attention seeking.

