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Police advice

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  • Police advice

    I really can not stress enough to people on here the best bit of advice you will ever get from here is DO NOT trust the police. More and more in to my case the more and more I am seeing how coached it all is by the police, when I was first arrested he acted like my best friend was talking about rugby to me do not be misled, there is no such thing as justice just numbers.

  • #2
    Because of their disgusting attitude I kinda had that worked out.

    When child protection first visited me after OH's arrest, one of her first questions was whether he had ever been affiliated with the boy scouts!!!! Really?? She then asked me what access to children he had and at the time I had completely forgotten about a previous job which did involve limited contact with kids. Plus we were both in a drama group which had kids in the cast.

    By the time I remembered I didn't bother to tell them , already knowing that they "trawl" in these cases. Didn't help as they trawled anyway.

    We lived in a very small village and were known through our jobs to a lot of folk in the next town so if there were any genuine connection someone would have come forward by now.

    With my own case the CPO merely told me what I'd done, end of. No questions, nothing.
    And "Child Protection Officer" is a joke in itself as she didn't believe my child, and her lack of investigation meant that kids were abused for 18 months after OH's arrest.

    They really are disgusting. I hope she rots in hell
    They tried to bury us- they didn't know we were seeds


    • #3
      Everything okay Farmer? Has something happened?
      Who you become while you are waiting is as important as what you are waiting for -Nicky Gumble


      • #4
        Before I was arrested, the OIC was phoning various members of my family....even saying to them he (myself) isn't going to be arrested, this will all be done and dusted in a few days!

        Absolute set of LYING B@ST@RDs they are!!!!

        I can't say how important it is for anybody new to this forum, do NOT trust the police fullstop!

        They even tried tricking my own mother to say things she didn't want to say!!!

        Just be very careful when speak to them filthy pigs guys


        • #5
          Police told the family members of one guy that they had found something "very interesting" on his computer. Nothing at all was found and it was returned to him. They also told supporting family members that they are now witnesses for the prosecution and cannot speak with the def or his solicitor. they were never witnesses for the prosecution and they are perfectly entitled to speak with the solicitor if they wanted to - there is no property in a witness.....
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • #6
            My OH's OIC said none of the witnesses are willing to give a statement couple of months later my OH sees a witness in town, who says how ridiculous the lies are and said of course he would go to court as he was there all night and knows nothing happened!

            He was never asked to give a statement as they aren't favourable to FA either I highly doubt he asked the other two!
            Who you become while you are waiting is as important as what you are waiting for -Nicky Gumble


            • #7
              Originally posted by Aidy View Post
              Before I was arrested, the OIC was phoning various members of my family....even saying to them he (myself) isn't going to be arrested, this will all be done and dusted in a few days!

              Absolute set of LYING B@ST@RDs they are!!!!

              I can't say how important it is for anybody new to this forum, do NOT trust the police fullstop!

              They even tried tricking my own mother to say things she didn't want to say!!!

              Just be very careful when speak to them filthy pigs guys
              We had this too! Weirdly he didn't try to trip my OH up but they witness he did? He said you can't have seen what happened you were passed out drunk (obviously what FA had claimed) he said he'd had one drink and got up to use the toilet in the night, OIC seemed rather unhappy with this apparently.
              Who you become while you are waiting is as important as what you are waiting for -Nicky Gumble


              • #8
                Nothing new thank you Lilyput, just making a point as I have been reading through statements and you can clearly see they have manipulated the statements the police have twisted it all.

                My brother gave a statement in my defence and today he had a letter saying he is a prosecution witness anyone know why?


                • #9
                  Probably because what he might have to say is useful for the defence. Was he told that he cannot speak to you or any of your witnesses? If so that is wrong. He CAN speak with you, but not about the trial matter.

                  He CAN speak with your solicitor about the trial matter though, and give a statement for the defence, if you are charged.
                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~


                  • #10
                    Thank you for the reply,

                    I have been charged he did a statement basically saying his thoughts on it all, they haven’t said he isn’t allowed to talk to me or my solicitor to. So basically the prosecution all calling him even though he’s in my defence to try and dis-regard his evidence.


                    • #11
                      God knows why he is a prosecution witness then. Could be a "tactic" to make sure he doesn't give evidence so cannot be cross-examined. By that I mean, the CPS could drop him from the list of "witnesses" on the day he is due to give evidence, so defence cannot cross-examine him.

                      Best you get a statement from him via your solicitor asap.
                      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                      PAFAA details ~


                      • #12
                        Public protection officer told me they had found something on OH's laptop to prove he'd been abusing my grandson.

                        It was a picture of him jumping about in a hotel room in Krakow with his pants and tee shirt on.

                        Woe betide anybody who has pictures of their kids in the bath or on their potties!!
                        They tried to bury us- they didn't know we were seeds


                        • #13
                          I agree with everything that's been said, don't trust the police, when I was interviewed the 2 detectives talked about their jobs and how much they didn't like it, football and the communal showers, which seemed a bit strange before turning on the recorder.

                          Then during the interview they asked if I had ever been in a communal shower with other kids or with my sibling alone then asked did I know the difference between right and wrong followed by ' at what age did I have the talk'

                          At the time all these questions seemed random but on reflection all they were doing is trying to catch me out rather than asking me specific questions which they did later.

                          They also took my laptop and phone, when I was given these back I asked if everything was fine and they said they were interesting that's all.

                          At this point and before I got NFA I knew then that they were trying everything to make the allegations stick, they were not interested in the truth.

                          Looking back it now makes me angry and sad, in my mind as well as investigating the accused the police should investigate the FA if they did I'm sure there would be many more NFA

                          Be careful what you say and if in doubt don't say anything..


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by AmandaF View Post
                            Public protection officer told me they had found something on OH's laptop to prove he'd been abusing my grandson.

                            It was a picture of him jumping about in a hotel room in Krakow with his pants and tee shirt on.

                            Woe betide anybody who has pictures of their kids in the bath or on their potties!!

                            Was it used in court? That's so pathetic, it's like something Freud would say!! If kids grow up thinking everything is pervy and sexual then they will start experimenting early as they'll think it's what the world is like and it just isn't!
                            Who you become while you are waiting is as important as what you are waiting for -Nicky Gumble


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Lilyput View Post
                              Was it used in court? That's so pathetic, it's like something Freud would say!! If kids grow up thinking everything is pervy and sexual then they will start experimenting early as they'll think it's what the world is like and it just isn't!
                              He was charged with making an indecent image of a child!!!!!!!! Charge dropped before it got to court.

                              Was also charged with showing a minor an indecent image of a naked woman from his laptop favourites bar. Charged with that as well, although forensics didn't find any such photo . Charge dropped when they didn't turn up to give evidence
                              They tried to bury us- they didn't know we were seeds

