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Sorry hun didn't realize you had family making your lives hell, thought you were just worrying Are his family the FAs. I hope you do manage to make a fresh start somewhere xxxx hugs.
Who you become while you are waiting is as important as what you are waiting for -Nicky Gumble
If he was at A & E he is in the right place. They will need to be a psychiatric assessment if he overdosed. It could be they decide to section again given the situation or he could ask for a voluntary section. Perhaps his Mum could seek to have him sectioned as his next of kin.
I think you need to forget about the allegations, there is nothing more you can do at this point and you're making yourself ill worrying. I realise that sounds hard but you must try, you've two children and Mr KK needs a level of care greater than you can give right now. Carry on offering support by all means and letting him know you're there for him. At this moment in time his mental health needs sorting before he can begin to deal with the allegations. Bear in mind his mental health problems will sometimes lead him to say or do things that his well self would never do and right now he's in a very dark place. Sadly there is no quick fix to his problems.
Hugs to you all
Hi there
I totally agree with waking nightmare it is definately the best thing as hard as it seems to forget the allegations we have had 2 months ( on 4th re- bail
Now) and both myself and OH know the horrible allegations against him are still there . We both try and ignore it not talk about it unless needing to and concentrate on other stuff we had to sell our home and find other accommodation business is gone and OIC is probably one of he most obnoxious people you could wish to meet but very absorbed by anything her client ( as I call her the FA that is)
So we sorta made a pack to try and get on with everything we can and also important just to get out for a hour or so st least even if it's a walk somewhere just to keep
Ur sanity. The weather probably helping a bit too as lovely to see the sunshine . One day our nightmares will go for sure - and the FA "s out there will have to live with their guilt too.
Last edited by Casehardened; 17 March 2016, 07:00 PM.
Reason: repairing quote
Hi been reading your thread, new to this myself and shocked how ma y of us are in this situation. Hope Inga start to pick up for you but love the idea of just going for a walk may try that. Hope we both get the banana dance soon and best of luck with everything.