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By the way sorry if i seemed a bit glib or direct before was doing a sneaky post while photocopying something at placement.
If they were fine with you having a nine year old stay with you they obvious aren't currently viewing you as a major risk. Babies are extremely monitored anyway with so many Health visitor appointments so you'll have plenty of opportunity to show professionals what a strong family unit you guys are. Which will help if SS were to be called.
As the Dad you'd have gone down on all the midwife notes and your name has not yet flagged anything up, so that's positive. I can't give any clear answer five months after interview I still expect a social worker to bang the door down. I will say to you the advice that has been given to me 'don't borrow trouble' enjoy your lovely new baby and don't worry. Keep in the back of your mind SS may visit so plan what you'll say emotionally prepare for that then put it out of your mind. Don't FA steal your happiness. Big big hugs.
Who you become while you are waiting is as important as what you are waiting for -Nicky Gumble
Thank you very much, that post alone made me feel better. I will never give up on my family they are the reason I still go to work get up eat etc….
This woman (thing) is living the life acting scared alone sad with no regards to what this is doing to me my family our lives. The fact she can do it so many times and no one see this as a slight mental issue is beyond me again can not thank you enough for replying, x
No problem hun been there with the fear... and FA's absolutely do not care, it's sickening. Don't let that (thing) rob anything else from you! I had a mini break down a few weeks back and couldn't believe all the wasted time, even if this never comes to anything she made our lives a wreck for so long. I'm not letting her have anything else.
Who you become while you are waiting is as important as what you are waiting for -Nicky Gumble
Regrettably I am unable to afford the services Chris offers I have let him know and. I did explore every possible way to get the money with no joy. Thank you for anyway RF.
First court appearance tomorrow, scared is an understatement I know it is only referral to crown and will take a few minutes I just keep assuming the worst what if it’s all over papers or what if they take away my bail. On the plus side I get the case file tomorrow so finally find out what the police have been doing for 13 months.
Went to enter a plea yesterday, Not guilty of course. Was then told trial set for Febuary next year pending a full review of the case by the prosecuter. I can only assume this is a good thing?