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  • Help!!

    HI, please bare with me as there is some background behind this allegation.

    The weekend of the 23/24th January my partner finished work and he and his uncle went for a drink in the local pub, they were picked up by a colleague a few ours later who had a couple of girls in the car with him who he had seen before but did not know them. One of them had kept her horse where he worked for a short time. They Stopped off at the shop to pick up some dinner and then returned home. They all live on site and my partner comes back a few days a week.

    My partner and his uncle cooked dinner then moved to the lounge to watch a film before going to bed, when my partner stays he has to share a bed with his uncle as there is not enough room.

    His colleague remained in the kitchen area with the two girls throughout the evening until moving over to his bedroom area with them later on that evening.

    My partner says the girls were still there the next day.

    A few days later his colleague was arrested for raping a minor, it turns out these girls are only 15. She alleged her drink was spiked and he forced her to have sex with him. He admitted to having sex with her not knowing she was only 15 and the case is ongoing. Despite his bail conditions the girl is still contacting him apologising for making up the rape claim.

    Last wednesday my partners now excolleague contacted him and asked if her would say he heard him ask the girls how old they were and they said 17. My partner declined ad said he wished to have no involvement.

    At 1 am Saturday morning the other girls mother wrote on face book and text the landlord of the business stating her daughter also had her drink spiked and my partner raped her. The also were writing death threats and threats of harm to my partner. They state the police were at theirs at 4am.

    The next day my partner went straight to the police to deal with the death threats and also explain nothing had happened that evening. They were unable to talk to him about he allegation and stated the investigating officer will be in touch.

    Since then the landlord has rung the mother as she included the name of the premesis in the threats and facebook posts, she apologised and stated they were all drunk and removed them.

    He has yet to hear from the Police at all about the matter however he suffers from both depression and anxiety and its ripping him apart and its only been less than 2 days.

    He has contacted a solicitor this morning and is waiting to hear back.

    To me it seems he has been dragged into something because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Is the fact he was with his uncle the whole time enough to prove she is lying?

    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated

  • #2
    LOL999 Please start your own thread - thanks

    You really couldn't make this up. Legal arguments all morning. CPS not ready as usual. Prosecutor only got the case on Friday.

    After all the legal arguments judge decides she can't do it, so we start with a new judge tomorrow. No jury yet of course..... And the legal arguments start all over again.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3

      Sorry New to this, i thought i had


      • #4
        Sorry my fault entirely. You've named your thread "help" same as the ongoing retrial so I thought I was posting on that.

        Really sorry!
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #5
          ahh ok not a problem


          • #6

            Sorry you and your partner find yourself here. Hopefully you and your partner will find lots of support and advice here. Perhaps you could alter your thread title as there is already a thread with the same name and you may get overlooked.

            If your partner was with his Uncle all evening and shared a bed with him then I don't think he should worry too much at this stage.

            He obviously did the right thing by declining his friend's request to lie.

            I know it's hard but he needs to sit tight and wait for the police to come to him. Hopefully the Police will deal with the situation swiftly

            Best wishes

