Originally posted by TBG1
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Devastating news this morning
Originally posted by kw1981 View PostI agree, it seems they look at things with a huge amount of sympathy for the FA and see the accused as the bad guy from the get go where, sadly the reality is, especially in recent times just because someone makes an accusation it doesn't mean they are telling the truth. Myself and my partner are conscious in reminding ourselves it is the police' job to prove guilt, not our job to prove our innocence, this helps rebalance the thought process when the mind drifts off track. May I ask how far into this nightmare you are?
Best Wishes
Originally posted by TBG1 View PostOn Monday, it will be 8 months since I went in for interview. Still no decision as to charge or 'No Further Action' (NFA). The only contact I've had since is at 3 months & 6 months in the OIC stated both times that they are "awaiting Social Services reports"! (My FA was fostered by my family)
Best Wishes
we got a knock on the door from a police protection officer and social worker, told a historic sexual child allegation had been made against my husband and he had to leave the family home immediatly, when asked by who they couldn't tell us and then when asked how long ago, they couldn't tell us (they said "historic could mean a couple of months ago to decades ago" ) a week later they turned up at the family members house where hubby was staying to take him to the police station, hubby wasn't there so he then drove himself to the station where he was arrested (there was no evidence to support the allegation, still isn't) they searched the family members house with about 8 police officer, family member was in tears about this (the solictor couldn't beleive it that they searching the house after him staying there for only a week, especialy regarding a historic case!!), and kept hubby in custody when they came and searched the house, they phoned me to say someone is coming round to search the house, my 10 month was asleep on me when 2 police officers came round. Even the OIC on the phone, when i asked who made the allegation they couldn't tell me even though hubby had been interviewed, all i remember though is asking how hubby was and she said "not good"At least you have the name before hand and can write up a time line, also see if you can check their social media sites and screenshot anything of interest (maybe the picture of them might also rmeind your OH who it is and that would help before interview). Expect to be arrested on the interview, but this is better than not being arrested, because then they have a bail date, and they work quicker on arrested cases and not non arrested. (even though they can still take a long time on non arrested cases)
Sorry long post, but jut to give you an idea of what happened with us, and what might happen ect... although so many police forces seem to work so differently there is no way of telling"Only True Love Can Survive This"
-Hubby was accused - arrested in June 2015 - re-bailed December 2015 - NFA'd March 31st 2016 - SS allowed him back home to our family April 2016-