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My Story

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  • My Story

    Hey there. So I was falsely accused of rape back in June. The girl i slept with cheated on her boyfriend and instead of taking responsibility for her actions made a false allegation. I got news 2 days that the case has been dropped. I'm very relieved but also still quite angry that I had to go through 6-7 months of unnecessary stress.

    I think false rape accusations are A LOT more common than society/feminists make out. It seems that women just claim "rape" at any time. How can i take this further? from what i've read women rarely get prosecuted for false accusations. Is there any point of pursuing if i don't have proof that she lied? so much for gender equality.

  • #2
    First of all masses of bananas banana: secondly i agree as a teenager i a bit of feminist i was chubby and felt i got judged on my body because i was female bur now its.utterly ridiculous, women say he raped me or he hit me as soon as something doesnt go their way.
    Who you become while you are waiting is as important as what you are waiting for -Nicky Gumble


    • #3
      Thanks. No one is saying women don't have problems but seriously...someones life can be ruined just because they regret having sex, want revenge..etc.


      • #4
        Agreed its vile i hope your life post NFA will be a good one! How are you feeling now?
        Who you become while you are waiting is as important as what you are waiting for -Nicky Gumble


        • #5
          Feeling a lot better. During all those months I actually contemplated what prison would be like almost daily..was very stressful. But I have a daughter on the way with her due date being end of May. That itself was unexpected but I'm sure she will add a lot to my life.


          • #6
            Really sorry you had to experience that ; it's so awful ; but - whether we like it or not ... There isn't much hope of suing the complainant as they get anonymity and the police don't like charging them with perverting justice etc as the feminists say it puts real "victims" off coming forward ...

            I share your frustration ; my son suffered from same false allegation .... The only difference being it was over 9 years ago & first he heard if it was this year .... Long story but charged in January and worst year of our lives .... Eventually trial held in November and of course "not guilty" ; our barrister effectively proving that she cried rape as cheated on her boyfriend and police hid evidence eg phone records and cctv that proved our sons innocence. We've been advised to "move on" .... But sooo difficult when reputations, health (him and wider family) and all our pension funds used up.... Bitterness creeps in but still early days and I'm working on it.

            Sorry to go on : but just wanted to let you know it could have been much worse for you . Thank god for you: it's resolved and try not to let it blight your bright future.

            Best wishes from someone who shares your frustration
            & have a few


            • #7
              That sounds terrible. I'm glad that things worked out for your son and your family in the end. I think the reason why there's few convictions is lack of evidence, and I'm assuming most of the time lack of evidence corresponds to it not actually happening. On another note those bananas are hilarious. I remember them from a forum I frequented about 10 years ago ha. Best wishes to you too
              Last edited by CCRJ; 17 December 2015, 08:23 PM.


              • #8
                Moving on

                Sorry to hear of your plight but pleased you got NFA. OHhad 2 years of hell and a trial but finally got unanimous NG a couple of Months ago
                The best thing you can do is put it behind you, its hard Not to feel bitter and want to see False accuser prosecuted but we are financially crippled by the cost of it all, so,to start the process Against them when its so difficult to even get it off the ground seems pointless Lots of similar feelings to you comtemplating after OH never been in trouble could be sent to prison on the back of no evidence, so glad defence could factually prove lies. Feeling in a better place now but I dont think anyone falsely accused of such a terrible thing totally gets over it.
                Look forward to your new baby and take life And enjoy every day and dont let this false accusation take another day of your life x


                • #9
                  Really pleased you got the right outcome.

                  I'd like to remind folk though that men are not the only victims of FAs, as women can be and are falsely accused of various sex crimes also. And men and boys make false allegations - the media tend to not air those cases quite so much.
                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~

