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  • #76
    Thanks so much guys! We really appreciate it!!!!

    Hoping the truth prevails. Xxx


    • #77
      Originally posted by NandS View Post
      Thanks TBG and I wish you all the best in your case. Xxx

      Well second day is over.

      It's been a real rollercoaster today!

      Her first two witnesses really gave us an edge as they basically discredited what she'd said in her interview without even knowing it. We were on a high after this.

      OH give his statement which wasn't bad but he was kicking himself thinking he could have done better. I told him I believed everyone would feel like that. He was worried his nerves got in the way. Prosecution barrister was very good in this part.

      We then broke for lunch with only the summaries to go and it was looking as if the trial may end today (which would have been nice)

      We popped out for lunch- almost got papped by a guy with a long lens camera but luckily spotted him early enough to avoid it and then after lunch the barristers summarised.

      Prosecution summary was very short and I was thinking that's great because not only did it give very little info but also it meant we might get our verdict today. He did not say much other than using the statement about why would she lie which I expected him too.

      Then our barrister gave his statement which lasted around 40 minutes and was very strong. Reminding them of all of her inconsistencies and that it was basically one word against another.

      Judge then wrapped up with his statement. Which took forever! So basically by the time he had finished there wasn't time to send jury out to deliberate and so tomorrow it will literally be verdict and nothing more.

      I have been on my own all week so not to make my OH feel awkward but I have a friend coming with me tomorrow for the verdict just in case it's bad.

      I will let everyone know how it goes tomorrow. Xx
      Hi ; I've been away for a few days recouperating from our sons recent trial - but I have been reading your updates, which echo all the feelings we experienced. We got a NG ... Keep strong ; truth will out and praying I can send you a fruit bowl full of bananas very soon :-)


      • #78
        Originally posted by innocentson View Post
        Hi ; I've been away for a few days recouperating from our sons recent trial - but I have been reading your updates, which echo all the feelings we experienced. We got a NG ... Keep strong ; truth will out and praying I can send you a fruit bowl full of bananas very soon :-)

        Thanks so much and well done on your sons good news. I hope you have all recovered now and are ready for Santa xxx


        • #79
          With you both again today!
          Everything crossed for the right outcome!
          Bananas at the ready.
          Strength and hugs


          • #80
            I'm thinking of you today and hoping and wishing for a quick and positive outcome.

            All The Best To You



            • #81
              Thinking of you today hope you both get the correct outcome no one deserves to go through this when innocent, my bananas are at the ready for you both. X


              • #82
                Bananas at the ready big love for today!!
                Who you become while you are waiting is as important as what you are waiting for -Nicky Gumble


                • #83
                  Our thoughts are with you all ...praying for a positive outcome x


                  • #84
                    Just caught up again on your latest posts. Positive thoughts winging their way to you.

                    Sounds like you have a very good defence team fighting for you

                    Fingers legs and toes all crossed for you.

                    All my love

                    Bananas getting impatient xxx


                    • #85
                      Thank you all so much.

                      Jury been out for two hours now we on a lunch break so no verdict for the next hour.

                      They have come back with some clarification questions so at least they considering everything.

                      Will post again later xxx


                      • #86
                        Good luck huni!! Xx
                        Who you become while you are waiting is as important as what you are waiting for -Nicky Gumble


                        • #87
                          Good luck,got my fingers crossed for you all. Xxx


                          • #88
                            It finally over!

                            The jury took a long time deliberating. The judge called them in and asked if they had a verdict for the first count and they said yes not guilty!!!

                            When asked if they had a verdict for the second count we were left hanging as they said no and went back to deliberate.

                            The judge said he would take a majority verdict of 10 for the second charge and they came back in laughing and smiling so we new it was good news.

                            We both cried our eyes out when he said not guilty and we were free to leave.

                            I can't tell you the euphoria we are feeling right now that we are on the way home together!!!!

                            The case was 50/50 all the way through which way it would go so don't lose faith and keep positive until the very end.

                            Thank you to all of you for the support you have given us throughout this nightmare.

                            I will remain on site to help where I can if anyone wants to ask questions.

                            The truth shone through xxxxxx


                            • #89
                              . Congratulations!!! So pleased for you all!!!! Xxxx


                              • #90
                                N & S,

                                Wow, I can't imagine the relief you both feel after so long under the cloud.

                                For your part, I hope you realise that you have been the anchor for your fiancé without which he could have been lost. The way you have conducted yourself all the way through has exuded positivity and hope - we felt it, so he must have done .... at the time that he needed it most. Thank God (or whoever) for people like you. x

                                I'll shut up now and get to the important bit!.......

                                All My Very Best To You Both,


