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First morning of three days over (so 1/6 of the way through) we are on a break for lunch at the moment but soon going back in so I will post an update this evening once I've gotten home and settled for the day.
Not as bad as expected so far and no press here yet! Always a bonus!!!
Jury were sworn in and the FA's video interview was played to them. This part was fine. I couldn't really read the jury as they had good poker faces but it's a jury of 3 women and 9 men.
The afternoon was a case of the FA being questioned by both sides and her husband. I was feeling a little sad after this as felt the jury would leave today thinking he was guilty but our barrister assures us tomorrow is our day and that she's given us enough in her "evidence" to go at.
I can't describe how surreal and exhausting it is. Your so tense through the day that we've gotten home tonight and both have horrific headaches.
Barrister seemed very positive today and OH is now feeling much more confident- dare we dream?!
FA got a bit stroppy with our barrister when being questioned which I felt was a positive really.
All in all its not been too bad. Exhausting and mentally draining but none the less that's one day of three done.
Think there may have been press in the viewing gallery this afternoon but I'm not 100% sure. We haven't turned up on the papers website yet which is good because they usually post their stories the same day.
ahh so glad to hear.... well done!!!!
keep up being strong and looking to see your updates tomorrow, i would say now, just relax, but i can't imagine it would be that easy, just take some paracetamal, drink plenty of water so you and OH are on top form tomorrow,
well done xxxxxx
"Only True Love Can Survive This"
-Hubby was accused - arrested in June 2015 - re-bailed December 2015 - NFA'd March 31st 2016 - SS allowed him back home to our family April 2016-
Just wanted to say I admire you hugely cant imagine hearing the lies about oh without falling apart, wishing you all the best thinking of you and praying for you tonight!! Xx
Who you become while you are waiting is as important as what you are waiting for -Nicky Gumble
Hi NanS
Well,done for getting through first day. Sounds positive. Very similar to OH FA got very stroppy when questioned by Barrister who also caught her out in lots of lies, went from saying didnt know what compensation was to admitting her husband had recently had a compensation payout, also jury hard to read but definitely shifted when OH gave evidence and prosecution and defence witnesses in the box too. Take strength of positive ponts and you will soon be out the other side. Positive thoughts sent to you tonight and tomorrow and hold your heads up high xx
Thanks all. I think the most powerful thing she said was that she had nothing to gain from lying and why would she put herself through it. If the jury aren't aware of the fact compensation is available then this will resonate with them but at least we can pull her evidence apart today.
Thanks all. I think the most powerful thing she said was that she had nothing to gain from lying and why would she put herself through it. If the jury aren't aware of the fact compensation is available then this will resonate with them but at least we can pull her evidence apart today.
Will update this evening xxx
I understand why you find this to be powerful - and I imagine the same comment is made by FAs in court cases up and down the land because in the absence of evidence, nobody can ever know the real reason "why".
It's something that I know will haunt me, whether or not I'm NFA'd, charged, tried & NG or charged, tried & jailed. I will never get (or even be able to guess) a satisfactory answer to that question ....
In my case, both me and the FA were children when we last were in the same space. I haven't heard about, seen or met her in the years since. My life since then can't possibly have had any effect on her in any way. Yet here I am.
Yes, for me it is possibly the worst thing because if I can't think of a reason (good or otherwise) for having my name plucked out of the sky by a "stranger" then I do worry what a jury might think - and that they might need at least a believable answer to that question to "swing my way".
From what little I understand about your partner's case N&S, it would seem that there are several ways you can rebut the FAs comment and I dare say that by the time you read this your Barrister will have shot her down with them.
Thanks TBG and I wish you all the best in your case. Xxx
Well second day is over.
It's been a real rollercoaster today!
Her first two witnesses really gave us an edge as they basically discredited what she'd said in her interview without even knowing it. We were on a high after this.
OH give his statement which wasn't bad but he was kicking himself thinking he could have done better. I told him I believed everyone would feel like that. He was worried his nerves got in the way. Prosecution barrister was very good in this part.
We then broke for lunch with only the summaries to go and it was looking as if the trial may end today (which would have been nice)
We popped out for lunch- almost got papped by a guy with a long lens camera but luckily spotted him early enough to avoid it and then after lunch the barristers summarised.
Prosecution summary was very short and I was thinking that's great because not only did it give very little info but also it meant we might get our verdict today. He did not say much other than using the statement about why would she lie which I expected him too.
Then our barrister gave his statement which lasted around 40 minutes and was very strong. Reminding them of all of her inconsistencies and that it was basically one word against another.
Judge then wrapped up with his statement. Which took forever! So basically by the time he had finished there wasn't time to send jury out to deliberate and so tomorrow it will literally be verdict and nothing more.
I have been on my own all week so not to make my OH feel awkward but I have a friend coming with me tomorrow for the verdict just in case it's bad.
Sounds like a positive day. Especially with CPs summing up so short, basically shows they have no evidence. Your barrister sounds like he did his job too. Sending big positive vibes to you both. Glad you have a frend with you tomorrow. Hopefully they will be celebrating with you xx
yet again well done!!! Sounds like you've got a really good legal team as well which sounds like its helping massively!
really praying you have an answer on things tomorrow and really praying that the answer is good (well, good would probably be an understatement if it is a NG)
Banana's are getting their disco shoes on, have a ridiculously busy day tomorrow but will check at every possible chance!!!!!!!!
Keep strong, and even though i don't know your OH tell him that so many on here are supporting and proud of him doing so well the last 2 days, must of been such a difficult thing to stand up in court, but hopefully tomorrow you will find out that it was worth it!
Thinking of you both
H xxx
"Only True Love Can Survive This"
-Hubby was accused - arrested in June 2015 - re-bailed December 2015 - NFA'd March 31st 2016 - SS allowed him back home to our family April 2016-