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  • #31

    It's such a worrying time, we are thinking about you both. Take a deep breath keep calm and be strong for each other. Sending positive thoughts.


    • #32
      Best wishes and positivity to you

      Originally posted by NandS View Post
      So we just had our last appointment with our defence team before the trial.

      They were very helpful and filled us in on everything such as taking some clean clothes to trial etc in case it's the wrong verdict and he's sentenced immediately.

      We were made aware that it's almost 100% certain that if convicted hell be sentenced there and then in this case so looks like he'll either be coming home with me and we can have the best Christmas or he won't be here at all for Christmas.

      The barrister has done a good job and it's looking like he's managed to get some of her "evidence" thrown out so that's all good.

      I guess it's down to the jury now!

      Will be posting the day one post next week sometime and I wish anyone else at trial in near future the very best of luck!
      Hi NandS

      Just sending you best wishes for trial. keep strong and you will get through it. OH had a trial just over a couple of months so I know how you are feeling went on for nearly 2 weeks and although an ordeal it was when truth came out. Barrister and solicitor were great, very supportive, thankfully case had a small,piece in the press at start of trial and a small when he got Unanimous Not Guilty. Press dont seem to like Not Guilty verdicts... Dont forget the Liar hasnt had any evidence even doubted yet and she will have been treated as a victim on her say so. You sound like you are well prepared so very best wishes for the right outcome. Feel,free to PM me or even if you want a chat happy to give you a call as the experience is all to,fresh in my mind. The court wasnt as bad as I feared especially if defence team and you are prepared x


      • #33
        Hi NandS

        I just wanted to wish you all the best for next week. I will have everything crossed for you. My husbands trial also starts on Monday, expected to last 4-5 days. I will be thinking of you from our court room xx


        • #34
          Good luck to all of you. It sounds like you've both got strong defence teams. I shall be thinking of you all next week.

          Love and best wishes to you all.



          • #35
            Thanks so much everyone! The support means the world and I'm now feeling more determined than ever to beat this!!!! Xx


            • #36
              Why us I have PM'd you xx


              • #37
                Why us have PM'd you xx


                • #38
                  WhyUs and NandS just to wish you all the very best for a positive outcome.
                  Let's hope for more bananas soon
                  They tried to bury us- they didn't know we were seeds


                  • #39
                    Thanks so much xx


                    • #40
                      Thank you Amanda X


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by NandS View Post
                        Much appreciated everyone.

                        The court is booked out for four days but our defence team are expecting it to only last three.

                        I'm worried about the press because every story like this that has been printed in our town gets shared around Facebook like wildfire.

                        I can't even come off Facebook for a while until it blows over as I will lose my Business page too.

                        She has decided to actually stand in court providing she has a screen so that oh and her cannot see each other. Interesting choice.

                        We have a meeting with barrister later this week so I'll keep everyone posted with progress.

                        Lastly, how did all your verdicts go?

                        Thanks so much for the support everyone xx
                        Hi, i have the same problem with facebook as we have our business page on it, but what i did do was firstly put a message that 'leaving facebook, pm me your details blah blah, i didn't give a reason just that it was a decision me and OH made... i then went through and unfriended everyone and then changed my name. I still have access to my business fb but actually scared at the moment to put anything on it to remind the accuser and person who's made the accuser accuse us that its there....... the thing with facebook is the accusers mum (who basically is the one who's made the accusation) was friends with me on facebook for several years (the accuser asked to be friends but ignored it at the time as her pregnant mum hadn't told her she was pregnant) and the mum still remained friends with me (and a regular user) AFTER the accusation was made, it made me feel physically sick so i unfriended everyone lol

                        but what i'm trying to say is that you could do that but still keep your business one running, if this helps

                        keep strong
                        "Only True Love Can Survive This"

                        -Hubby was accused - arrested in June 2015 - re-bailed December 2015 - NFA'd March 31st 2016 - SS allowed him back home to our family April 2016-


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by hello88 View Post
                          Hi, i have the same problem with facebook as we have our business page on it, but what i did do was firstly put a message that 'leaving facebook, pm me your details blah blah, i didn't give a reason just that it was a decision me and OH made... i then went through and unfriended everyone and then changed my name. I still have access to my business fb but actually scared at the moment to put anything on it to remind the accuser and person who's made the accuser accuse us that its there....... the thing with facebook is the accusers mum (who basically is the one who's made the accusation) was friends with me on facebook for several years (the accuser asked to be friends but ignored it at the time as her pregnant mum hadn't told her she was pregnant) and the mum still remained friends with me (and a regular user) AFTER the accusation was made, it made me feel physically sick so i unfriended everyone lol

                          but what i'm trying to say is that you could do that but still keep your business one running, if this helps

                          keep strong
                          Thanks for input hello!

                          I am thinking about making another profile "a secret one" with no friends other than the bestie and a select few family members and making that profile admin of my business page so that I can deactivate my usual one until this blows over.

                          I'm actually feeling stronger every day right now and very determined. OH finding this weekend very difficult and as we've been told it'll either be all over by Christmas or he will already be in prison we are having a "Christmas dinner" and some quality time together on Monday. I'm feeling very positive right now I know we can beat this!!!!!


                          • #43
                            fantastic to hear you're in fighting spirits - i have so much admiration for so many where it has been taken as far as trial, you must have amazing strength and your OH will be needing you to be strong, i'm far off that and already crumbling! But will be thinking of you both and please keep us updated
                            "Only True Love Can Survive This"

                            -Hubby was accused - arrested in June 2015 - re-bailed December 2015 - NFA'd March 31st 2016 - SS allowed him back home to our family April 2016-


                            • #44
                              Keep that positive vibe

                              Originally posted by NandS View Post
                              Thanks for input hello!

                              I am thinking about making another profile "a secret one" with no friends other than the bestie and a select few family members and making that profile admin of my business page so that I can deactivate my usual one until this blows over.

                              I'm actually feeling stronger every day right now and very determined. OH finding this weekend very difficult and as we've been told it'll either be all over by Christmas or he will already be in prison we are having a "Christmas dinner" and some quality time together on Monday. I'm feeling very positive right now I know we can beat this!!!!!
                              Keep the positivity going. When Oh had trial we had same fears its only just over 2 months from trial where we were you are now. Out other side now and looking forward to xmas. You can do it. Keep fighting. court is where you will get the truth. Big hugs to you xx


                              • #45
                                Very best wishes & lots of strength to both N&S and Whyus for next week
                                'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'

