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Trail Thread

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  • #16
    Just wanted to wish you and your fiance all the best. Not sure if it gives you any comfort, but you wont be alone as my husband's trial is the same week. I agree it really is poor timing, but hopefully we will both be celebrating


    • #17
      Just a quick message of support to you!
      I really hope it all goes well for you, and well done for posting and offering an insight in to your ordeal!
      Fingers crossed


      • #18
        Thanks guys! It really helps to have the support!

        Here's to the best Christmas ever (hopefully) !!!!


        • #19
          Please do keep updating. Not only will it help you to know that people care enough to post up, it helps those who may be going the same way.

          Hold on in there
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • #20
            Thank you I will.

            Today isn't a good day for OH mood wise. He's struggling a bit today. The closer it gets the more real it becomes. He is throwing himself into decorating pretty much the whole house before Christmas lol!


            • #21
              All the very best, God go with you....


              • #22
                awww well fingers crossed and well done for staying so strong, i will be following this thread...(OH falselsy accused of historic child sex abuse and they said he was private teaching and used that- in fact we where babysitting so her mum could go out partying and never ever gave her a lesson, not once!) but i think they do take it way more seriously when there's a link to teaching, unfortunately. I'm hoping for a NFA next week (bail date) but i know that anything could happen so it would be good to know what to expect if its taken to court.

                Keep strong
                "Only True Love Can Survive This"

                -Hubby was accused - arrested in June 2015 - re-bailed December 2015 - NFA'd March 31st 2016 - SS allowed him back home to our family April 2016-


                • #23
                  Best of luck, hope you get the right verdict!


                  • #24
                    Thanks so much guys x

                    Hello praying for your NFA for you and your fella next week x


                    • #25
                      Hi all

                      Not long now for my OH.

                      Just had a Fee questions for anyone that has been through this.

                      1) how many days did your trial last?

                      2) if convicted how often are the remanded until sentencing? If not how long is it usually before sentencing?

                      3) any advice for if it hits the press

                      4) will the witnesses etc be in the same areas of the court before it commences or at lunch ie waiting areas

                      5) will the accusers family be in the same viewing gallery as I am sat in

                      Thanks guys!


                      • #26
                        Every case is different- I'll say what happened to us but don't get hung up on it!
                        1) trial lasted 8 days

                        2) OH remanded immediately- but as I say everyone's different and this was Scotland

                        3) If it hits the press - run!! No i've no idea altho OH was all over the tabloid press we lived in a small village and nobody bothered us

                        4) waiting areas are separate

                        5) I would imagine same- my OH's was closed court

                        Don't dwell on the negatives- hope for the best
                        They tried to bury us- they didn't know we were seeds


                        • #27
                          Hi - hope you are bearing up reasonably well under the circumstances.

                          I guess each case is different but

                          1)My partner's lasted 5 days.

                          2)Not always remanded immediately. I think the defence barrister can put a case forward to allow sentencing at a future date.

                          3)If there are other cases that are of more interest, the press will not be interested. Unfortunately, my partner was chased down the road and had camera pushed in front of his face. But like many have said on here before - (but now I can't remember exactly what it is!) ....... it's tomorrow's toilet paper. I was horrified when this happened but looking back it never really became an issue. We have children and I particularly did not want any adverse effects on them. Unfortunately, the courts or press don't give a damn.

                          4)In our case, we were all together waiting outside the court room. Not pleasant. But we were the ones who were not colluding, lying, so could hold our heads up high. Your solicitor should guide you on proper conduct.

                          5)In our case, liars family were in public gallery with our family and friends. It was uncomfortable but again we had nothing to be ashamed about - they did. Our liar, gave evidence on video link, but afterwards barged in to public gallery - larger than life.

                          Sorry if that's not what you waned to read but it's probably better knowing now so that you can come to terms with all possibilities.

                          I hope your 3 days do not stretch out and that your defence team are well prepared to expose the lies.


                          • #28
                            Much appreciated everyone.

                            The court is booked out for four days but our defence team are expecting it to only last three.

                            I'm worried about the press because every story like this that has been printed in our town gets shared around Facebook like wildfire.

                            I can't even come off Facebook for a while until it blows over as I will lose my Business page too.

                            She has decided to actually stand in court providing she has a screen so that oh and her cannot see each other. Interesting choice.

                            We have a meeting with barrister later this week so I'll keep everyone posted with progress.

                            Lastly, how did all your verdicts go?

                            Thanks so much for the support everyone xx


                            • #29
                              And did anyone consider calling in a fake headline story to the papers to distract them!!! Hahahaha!


                              • #30
                                Last visit to barrister before trial

                                So we just had our last appointment with our defence team before the trial.

                                They were very helpful and filled us in on everything such as taking some clean clothes to trial etc in case it's the wrong verdict and he's sentenced immediately.

                                We were made aware that it's almost 100% certain that if convicted hell be sentenced there and then in this case so looks like he'll either be coming home with me and we can have the best Christmas or he won't be here at all for Christmas.

                                The barrister has done a good job and it's looking like he's managed to get some of her "evidence" thrown out so that's all good.

                                I guess it's down to the jury now!

                                Will be posting the day one post next week sometime and I wish anyone else at trial in near future the very best of luck!

