Well my partners case goes to trial in a matter of weeks. He is accused of sexual assault from when he was a teacher.
A fortnight ago we attended the pre trial hearing and until that point I fully believed this whole thing would miraculously be dropped. Now it's becoming real and I'm become afraid.
He had a previous allegation made against him years ago where the police seized everything, PCs phones etc and there was nothing. But now the prosecution want to use this as a bad character statement. The solicitor believes the new accuser has used this to her advantage and sort of jumped on the bandwagon as it makes her case look stronger.
Her evidence is very gappy and It's basically one word against another but I'm petrified. I'm scared its going to hit the papers and I'm sick of playing spot the journalist at court and I'm frightened he's going down for something he hasn't done.
Is there any light?
A fortnight ago we attended the pre trial hearing and until that point I fully believed this whole thing would miraculously be dropped. Now it's becoming real and I'm become afraid.
He had a previous allegation made against him years ago where the police seized everything, PCs phones etc and there was nothing. But now the prosecution want to use this as a bad character statement. The solicitor believes the new accuser has used this to her advantage and sort of jumped on the bandwagon as it makes her case look stronger.
Her evidence is very gappy and It's basically one word against another but I'm petrified. I'm scared its going to hit the papers and I'm sick of playing spot the journalist at court and I'm frightened he's going down for something he hasn't done.
Is there any light?