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Just recieved an NFA!! All that worry for nothing. Can finally get mylife back together. Thank you everyone for the support over the past 5 months
Great news!!
A huge relief, I'm sure!
Stick around though, the emotions can still run deep for a while.
Take your time and then move on with your life.
Here's the nana's :
Hate to be the party pooper, but I'm trying to get some opinion on the VRR scheme. Obviously don't know your circumstances, but perhaps you should take a look at this document -
I too have received NFA, but from what I read, it means squat. If the 'victim' disagrees with the CPS decision, they can ask for a review and the whole bloody thing kicks off again. You seem to have received much applause on your outcome, whilst my post is languishing - no-body seems interested in voicing an opinion or providing much sought after input and advice on what is a pretty major aspect of the whole bloody process.
The CPS make a decision, then the 'victim' says 'I don't like that outcome - give it another shot'. If the victim still doesn't like the outcome, they can ask for yet another review. That whole process can go on for months...
53. A request for a review should ordinarily be made within 5 working days of receipt
of the notification of the decision. However, a request can be made up to three
months after the communication of the decision to the victim.
Hate to be the party pooper, but I'm trying to get some opinion on the VRR scheme. Obviously don't know your circumstances, but perhaps you should take a look at this document -
I too have received NFA, but from what I read, it means squat. If the 'victim' disagrees with the CPS decision, they can ask for a review and the whole bloody thing kicks off again. You seem to have received much applause on your outcome, whilst my post is languishing - no-body seems interested in voicing an opinion or providing much sought after input and advice on what is a pretty major aspect of the whole bloody process.
The CPS make a decision, then the 'victim' says 'I don't like that outcome - give it another shot'. If the victim still doesn't like the outcome, they can ask for yet another review. That whole process can go on for months...
53. A request for a review should ordinarily be made within 5 working days of receipt
of the notification of the decision. However, a request can be made up to three
months after the communication of the decision to the victim.
Could this entry be put on another thread so we can reply to it without hijacking this thread?
Like angst man says: we mustn't be party poopers!!
I would like to stick my oar in here but
This should be a positive thread tho!
Last edited by YearsOfHell; 24 October 2015, 09:50 AM.