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Great news and congratulations. Enjoy everything that life has to offer you from here onwards! God is good!
I thought I was cursed because the accusations happened 2 weeks after I came back from Israel and visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Western Wall and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
I prayed for the first time in 15 years during this process.
Tomorrow I will wake up with this gone from my mind, I hope all of you still waiting can do this soon also.
I thought I was cursed because the accusations happened 2 weeks after I came back from Israel and visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Western Wall and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
I prayed for the first time in 15 years during this process.
Tomorrow I will wake up with this gone from my mind, I hope all of you still waiting can do this soon also.
So pleased for you. Bet you will feel even better today. Enjoy Barcelona x
I might write to my MP to try for an NC due to the nature of my career, but for now and I am satisfied with an NFA.
The next step for me is to forward a copy of my NFA in writing to the Home Office, so if my wife tries to claim for a DV visa she will not be successful. I do not want to be vengeful but people shouldn't be allowed to take the piss when migrating to the UK. Visa curtailment and ultimately divorce will be the next steps on this journey.
I don't know if a NC will help with regards to DBS status, but these can now be resurrected, as can an NFA of course.
Do let us know though if it makes any difference to a DBS check. That would be a learning curve!
I don't know if a NC will help with regards to DBS status, but these can now be resurrected, as can an NFA of course.
Do let us know though if it makes any difference to a DBS check. That would be a learning curve!
I'll find out soon enough, going for a promotion that requires non-enhanced DBS. Though I might avoid it since I am an internal candidate.
Made some progress with my wife - she has our marriage cert and she won't give it to me cause she wants to file for divorce herself.
I guess this is to block me doing it so it can be on her terms - i.e. still try and tag DV to it. Might have to instruct a lawyer in her home country to get me a copy. What a ball ache.
Quick update about the paperwork I have that has come through.
The only letters I have received are one permitting me access to my seized property, but I already collected those before I received the letter.
The other one is "Bail Cancellation Notice" which states bail cancelled for the allegation of "rape of a woman 16 years of age or over - SOA 2003" due to insufficient evidence.
It does not mention "NFA" anywhere, so should I be expecting a follow up letter or is this essentially the NFA letter?
On top of that I have a letter from the Home Office saying they are looking into her immigration matters, but since we are separated then I am now a third party so they can't disclose too much.
I didn't think you were a "third party" until you were divorced?
The home office seem to have laws of their own.
They should keep you up to date due to any future divorce proceedings?
A friend of mine got stuck with clearing her late husbands council flat when he died last year because they were still married even though they'd not spoken for 6 years!!
If youre only separated they should keep you informed.
I think????
Last edited by YearsOfHell; 29 November 2015, 07:59 AM.
Reason: Dreadful spelling!
I just opened the most delicious tasting beer I have ever had in my life.
10 minutes ago the OIC called me - NO FURTHER ACTION!!!!!!!!!!
This was on the basis of no evidence and my wife refused to give evidence against me.
I feel weird - not happy, not sad, just shocked. I have still lost a wife and now have to go through divorce proceedings. She said all my bail conditions have been lifted, does this mean I can now contact my wife? She took our marriage certificate which I need to file for a divorce.
Also, I met someone new in the meantime, and she was aware of my situation . Plus I am going to Barcelona on Friday for a cheeky weekend away which will now be awesome without this hanging over me!
Everyone still in this process, I wish you the best of luck. Thank God it hasn't went further.
Wow can't believe i've overlooked this opportunity to dish out the bananas' here goes... and a few more because they're belated:
Well done! and hope you enjoyed your holiday!!!
"Only True Love Can Survive This"
-Hubby was accused - arrested in June 2015 - re-bailed December 2015 - NFA'd March 31st 2016 - SS allowed him back home to our family April 2016-
I didn't think you were a "third party" until you were divorced?
The home office seem to have laws of their own.
They should keep you up to date due to any future divorce proceedings?
A friend of mine got stuck with clearing her late husbands council flat when he died last year because they were still married even though they'd not spoken for 6 years!!
If youre only separated they should keep you informed.
I think????
In the letter it says I am a "third party to her immigration matters". Which is ironic because I was her sponsor to the UK, without me as a "party", she has no right to be here.
Anyway, I talked to her sister and she has been going around claiming I used to beat her, but has not mentioned to anyone else that she accused me of rape. I presume this is to try for the DV visa and to paint me as a monster. She probably thought the rape charge was too far and unbelievable to our mutual friends so has switched it up to just DV. Strangely enough she did not mention DV at all to the police - I was not under investigation for any alleged assaults, GBHs or ABHs.
The Rape Crisis office she walked into on the night of my arrest even compelled her to claim for CICA compensation for the rape accusation - I assume they are also the ones that convinced her to call the police.
I can understand the need for such organisations, but surely they should be cautious about automatic police involvement without any doubts to potential false accusers' claims?
hello88 - yes the holiday was fun. Was surreal sitting in front of the Sangra Familia with some tapas and a pint after all this garbage! Thanks for the bananas.
You ex sounds like a total nightmare any chance she'll go back to where she use to live, so your reputation will be safe? Hope the DV accusations come to nothing, must be a horrible situation to be in. Stay strong and remember the worst is over you got through a false allegation of rape you can get through ANYTHING!!
Who you become while you are waiting is as important as what you are waiting for -Nicky Gumble
Just when I thought I had some respite, just went and picked up documents from Royal Mail.
"In the XX Family Court
In the matter of an application under Part IV of the Family Law Act 1996"
Basically what I think is an application for a non-molestation order?
Her witness statement is pretty similar to the stuff she said to the police - a fantasy about making her destitute, controlling her, she even threw in that I once threatened to murder her with a knife quoting me as allegedly saying, "If you leave me, I will stab you and hand myself into the police because I wouldn't care". She did not mention this at all to the police. Threw in some references to ISIS to be extra topical too.
She mentions rape again here, not just twice but as if the entire marriage and relationship was one long continuous rape.
She also accused me of being an alcoholic.
She has filed under s.45(2)(a) of FA 96, ex-parte order.
All that is contained are the witness statement, as well as an exhibit of the record from the night of my arrest for the rape allegation from the charity / refugee she was at when she called the police.
Is there anything I have to do at this point, like lawyering up?
I do not care being served an injunction and never speaking again, but does anyone know other implications of this? Will I have to attend court?
Looks like she will be going for the DV visa after all.
Thank you.
Last edited by TotalNightmare; 9 December 2015, 01:12 PM.
Just to note we do not have any children together, nor joint assets, so would not contesting this be to my detriment?
I really can't be arsed with standing up in court and having to argue against the total BS. Not contacting her has always been my intention anyway.
She said that because my bail conditions were lifted she "fears for her life". I haven't actually been served an order though, just the witness statement and exhibits.
Apologies for spamming my own thread but just had a look through this paperwork again.
I am not even sure who has sent this to me as there is no covering letter whatsoever?
Maybe her solicitors or herself posted me this to intimidate me (the address on the envelope is her handwriting)?
One of the exhibits is a letter from the NHS to an immigration solicitor who was requesting information of a visit report to vouch for support for Home Office DV visa.
The other is a recording of a phone call to Woman's Aid giving my FA advice about DV concessions and access to public funds.
So from my understanding, she has applied for the DV concession then hired an immigration lawyer with Legal Aid to put her claim to the Home Office for her visa, whilst simultaneously applying for an ex-parte non-molestation order.
In the witness statement she goes as far as accusing me of threatening murder, regular violence, beating her etc. all with zero evidence? It makes me feel sick!
Do I even have to do anything since there is no actual order notice, just the paperwork going along with the family court application?
I am confused since I spent so long researching defences for rape, the civil matters are beyond me.