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Nothing yet, but my email has been a pain recently, give me a few minutes to change my contact email address and send again if you don't mind. Sorry to be a pain
VincentV35 you're probably in the best place for the worst of times. RF and others are brilliant at the legal advice stuff- most of us just wan to offer virtual tea and sympathy, and BIG hugs. Ask for any help you may need
They tried to bury us- they didn't know we were seeds
I totally agree AmandaF, I have only been here a day and I am already armed with information that would have taken weeks to work all out myself. So glad I happened across here on my searches. All sympathies, hugs and especially virtual tea are always welcomed, just happy that I am not alone in this struggle and that IF the worst happens that I will have available support to aid me in the bigger fight.
You've come to the forum early so you will be guided through this. Once you feel a bit better hopefully you will feel able to support newbies when they join
I am hoping so RF, this occurring has really made the old thought of "it will never happen to me" seem especially foolish. However this turns out for me and once I half way recover from it, I will do everything in my power to help others suffering at the hands of a FA moving on.
Today has been a difficult day, the exhaustion is already starting to get to me and blocking out the dark thoughts has been nearly impossible alongside the guilt of starting smoking again (much to my partners disapointment) But I guess it is just a matter of taking it day by day.
Day to day is all you can do- the effects on our physical and mental health from these situations are devastating- I remember feeling semi-comatosed for weeks afterwards. But it does change and become easier to deal with, although sadly these feelings just get to be part of everyday life. Easy to say, but don't stop doing things you enjoy, going places you like. There has to be some maintainence of normality.
They tried to bury us- they didn't know we were seeds
Today has been a difficult day, the exhaustion is already starting to get to me and blocking out the dark thoughts has been nearly impossible alongside the guilt of starting smoking again (much to my partners disapointment) But I guess it is just a matter of taking it day by day.
Hi Vincent sorry to hear of your situation, the first month after a false allegation is the hardest ,the shock alone can be very hard to cope with.
I went to the doctors after two weeks when I couldn't sleep for more than a couple of hours without waking in a panic. I took sleeping tablets for a couple of months, they really helped me. It maybe worth visiting your doctor, many forum members have had a very sympathetic reception from their GP's.
As for the smoking don't be too hard on yourself, you can always give up when this is all over.
The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.
Unfortunately being currently out of work because of my epilepsy and us having very little spare money my everyday life is currently revolving around this situation one of my main enjoyments has always been video games but right now the screen is just a blur so I can't, we were in the process of finding a new flat to move to but now I honestly can't get behind it, she is going to view a place in the morning but I feel like my presence as I currently am will cast a bad impression of us on the prospective landlord so won't be going.
I am really glad though that she has managed to snap back in a matter of days and continue with life semi-normal. I think because she has already been dealing with this for years she has gotten used to the feelings like you said and has just added it to the list as it were.