Hi all,
Another sleepless night of not being able to settle or barely even direct my thoughts, when I happened across this forum and hoped that maybe I could find some support, help & advice.
I was last Monday arrested at my home by four police officers and informed that my younger brother has claimed that I raped him on 3 occasions in our childhood (Him aged between 7 and 9, myself 15 to 17, his times were very vague) These accusations are completely untrue. I am absolutely bewildered, angry and terrified by this. To make matters worse my only pillar of strength (my partner of 6 years) is currently having to deal with the court case of her father having had similar allegations thrown at him so I don't want to bother her too much with my own feelings and concerns.
I was taken completely peacefully and the officers did not handcuff me, if anything the officers were lovely, smiling, joking and asking about my holiday (I was in Tunisia when they first came to take me in for questioning) I was quickly processed and taken in for questioning the two officers from CPS who were present at my arrest. I was honestly in a state of shock that these disgusting accusations have come up, especially given the fact that I have had nothing to do with my family at all for close to 15 years. I refused legal aid for my initial questioning but I am now starting to worry that this was a mistake. I suffer from epilepsy so as a result my memory is foggy at best and my ability to track time is almost non-existent.
They asked me a great many questions across a range of subjects from my relationship with various family members, to my move across the country, separation from my family and why I had decided to changed my name.
I am beginning to worry that my complete honesty, lack of memory, refusal of having a lawyer present and my apparent lack of reaction to the entire affair may have actually damaged me somehow.
I have been bailed until the 20th of July while they investigate further, I know this battle has only just begun and that many members are in even worse positions. However for a generally emotionally stable person (my partner calls me emotionally retarded) I am almost completely unable to hold it together, escape this feeling of being totally alone or remove the dark thoughts about an inevitable conviction & prison sentence from my mind. I know I am completely innocent but with the current "witch hunt" for crimes of this kind going on I am almost entirely convinced that I will lose what little I do have and be subjected to a prison sentence.
I understand if this post is completely ignored, but even just typing this out is slowing my heart and easing up the nausea so I thank you for that I guess
Another sleepless night of not being able to settle or barely even direct my thoughts, when I happened across this forum and hoped that maybe I could find some support, help & advice.
I was last Monday arrested at my home by four police officers and informed that my younger brother has claimed that I raped him on 3 occasions in our childhood (Him aged between 7 and 9, myself 15 to 17, his times were very vague) These accusations are completely untrue. I am absolutely bewildered, angry and terrified by this. To make matters worse my only pillar of strength (my partner of 6 years) is currently having to deal with the court case of her father having had similar allegations thrown at him so I don't want to bother her too much with my own feelings and concerns.
I was taken completely peacefully and the officers did not handcuff me, if anything the officers were lovely, smiling, joking and asking about my holiday (I was in Tunisia when they first came to take me in for questioning) I was quickly processed and taken in for questioning the two officers from CPS who were present at my arrest. I was honestly in a state of shock that these disgusting accusations have come up, especially given the fact that I have had nothing to do with my family at all for close to 15 years. I refused legal aid for my initial questioning but I am now starting to worry that this was a mistake. I suffer from epilepsy so as a result my memory is foggy at best and my ability to track time is almost non-existent.
They asked me a great many questions across a range of subjects from my relationship with various family members, to my move across the country, separation from my family and why I had decided to changed my name.
I am beginning to worry that my complete honesty, lack of memory, refusal of having a lawyer present and my apparent lack of reaction to the entire affair may have actually damaged me somehow.
I have been bailed until the 20th of July while they investigate further, I know this battle has only just begun and that many members are in even worse positions. However for a generally emotionally stable person (my partner calls me emotionally retarded) I am almost completely unable to hold it together, escape this feeling of being totally alone or remove the dark thoughts about an inevitable conviction & prison sentence from my mind. I know I am completely innocent but with the current "witch hunt" for crimes of this kind going on I am almost entirely convinced that I will lose what little I do have and be subjected to a prison sentence.
I understand if this post is completely ignored, but even just typing this out is slowing my heart and easing up the nausea so I thank you for that I guess
