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Hi all.... I feel like this is becoming a blog of my life?!?! I slept for 12 hours.
woke with my son asleep next to me. This is something that's started since the alligations.
I have a question.... anyone else get jealous of people and their "normal" lives? I am. I look at folk and I'm like. Your Problems aren't really problems Are they.
I'm losing my family and your moaning because it was your turn for a lie in?!??! MEH...... you wanna know my problem!?!??! Lol
anyway I've woke with a bit of productivity in my soul today so I'm sorting out my poor house that has been left to rack and ruin these past few weeks.
My partner has sent the paper work off to change solicitors.... yes we know he's not been arrested so there's not much he can do but he's not charged a penny for a two hour consultation and once he has what he can get from the old solicitors he wants to chase up a few things. We can but try.
....but he's not charged a penny for a two hour consultation and once he has what he can get from the old solicitors he wants to chase up a few things. We can but try.
Sounds like a really decent solicitor. If he inspires you with confidence please do let us know who he is and which practice he works for
I can definitely relate to you heartbreaking on feeling jealous of people getting on with their lives while mine and my sons have come to an end. It's so hard not to scream at them for god sake don't you know what we are going through but I just get on with it. I also hate hearing my mother in law saying sh will never see her son again as she is 90 and his uncles are also in their 90s what this has done to them as well. I will never forgive her for doing this to us all. We had such a good life and now it's just gone. I spoke to him this morning and broke down again I try to be strong but hearing his voice and not having him here is too much sometimes. I have felt like driving into a tree at times but then I think about the boys and think she has got my husband locked up for years but she will never separate us as a family we will be together again and we can then carry on she will have to live with what she has done for the rest of her life. I just hope she chokes on her compensation. Sorry that may sound harsh but ism angry frustrated and going through so many emotions. Sunday's are my worse day as it was family day for us. I do things around the house like cutting the grass cleaning out the guttering and it just makes me think god my husband would be doing this for us or I can't just ask him for help with things.
Let me know if anyone is interested in meeting up. It would be good to have a get together as a unit I know I could do with the support. I have collegues at work and some friends but they don't really understand how I feel. I just feel this site has really give me strength to cry on and not give up. My big hearted thanks goes out to you all. thanks for listening to yet another rant.
Heartbreaking and Megane- you have just described my life and feelings too. I am very very resentful. Two years ago we had a fantastic family life, an increasingly successful small business, a great job, a house by the loch that we were renovating, foreign holidays (although we did fly cheap with ryanair!) and I think our accusers thought we were wealthy and would get more than criminal injuries. Now, have never felt so alone. I don't socialise, my whole life is changed beyond all recognition. I struggle to change a lightbulb in my rented house 350 miles from our home which is about to be repossessed. I wake up panic stricken and crying, knowing that when he's released we still have the SOR to live with. My grandson misses him and doesn't understand, even at 11 years old. I took him on our last prison visit and on the long drive back he became very quiet and said "Every time we go to visit, I expect to bring him back with us but we can't can we? In the past, we've always managed to fix things, but we can't fix this". Broke my heart. Again
They tried to bury us- they didn't know we were seeds
Heartbreaking and Megane- you have just described my life and feelings too. I am very very resentful. Two years ago we had a fantastic family life, an increasingly successful small business, a great job, a house by the loch that we were renovating, foreign holidays (although we did fly cheap with ryanair!) and I think our accusers thought we were wealthy and would get more than criminal injuries. Now, have never felt so alone. I don't socialise, my whole life is changed beyond all recognition. I struggle to change a lightbulb in my rented house 350 miles from our home which is about to be repossessed. I wake up panic stricken and crying, knowing that when he's released we still have the SOR to live with. My grandson misses him and doesn't understand, even at 11 years old. I took him on our last prison visit and on the long drive back he became very quiet and said "Every time we go to visit, I expect to bring him back with us but we can't can we? In the past, we've always managed to fix things, but we can't fix this". Broke my heart. Again
I feel for you as if you feel like I do it is awful. I too wake up during the night and for a split second I think he's by me then it comes crashing in once again. I am currently fighting to get the boys to be able to see their dad they haven't seen him for over 8 weeks and my youngest who is only 13 is heartbroken, he is really close to his dad and it's so hard when his dad calls they have to be quiet because if they are heard then the call would be terminated and our number blocked. Although when I visit him in prison there are kids running around it doesn't make sense. My older son understands a bit more but it is still hard. My husband had a fantastic career of over 30 years and we had a great life and this is now gone. I'm struggling day by day to pay the bills and keep a roof over our heads and she is off on holidays and enjoying life smiling and laughing it stinks totally stinks.
Lovely ladies...I feel so sad when I read your posts. The FA don't destroy only one life. .they destroy careers. .families. .futures. .even now is hard for me to understand why someone will do that. ...is it revenge. .stupidity. .regrets. .jealousy? ?
Dear ladies I admire how you stick to yoUr men. ...nothing lasts forever. ..not even.the sadness. .
I do Pray for justice.
Megane2015- the SS decided it was in my grandson's best interest to have contact which was initially supervised by them, then by my sister. He's now allowed to visit him in prison once a month although the SS are now questioning whether it's a good idea as he's upset afterwards. He's an intelligent boy and says he would rather do that then not see him at all. The "best interest" should be brought in to play in your case? It's something else to fight about I know but it may have some persuasion. I know it feels as though everyday brings a fresh argument but what do we do? ??
Hell on Earth- thanks for your kind words. Some stuff came to light during my partner;s trial and afterwards that would suggest it was a one man campaign against us for many reasons, one being that we're English. Who knows what goes on in the minds of these sub-humans? We just cling to the hope that one day we'll be reunited and can carry on some degree of a life together. We ain't getting any younger!!
They tried to bury us- they didn't know we were seeds
I can't keep looking at this nagativity. These horrible sad heartbreaking stories.
I will post when/if we get some good news.
I need to maintain some level of positively for my family x
I can't keep looking at this nagativity. These horrible sad heartbreaking stories.
I will post when/if we get some good news.
I need to maintain some level of positively for my family x
I'm sorry you feel that way- I think at the end of the day these things can't be sugar coated. However in a way although it may look negative, this is the only place where people can identify with everything you're going through and at the end of the day we are still standing !! Keep us updated with your progress
They tried to bury us- they didn't know we were seeds
3 weeks in .... Social service visit this morning.
Just wanted to say to stay strong today.
Thinking of you and keeping everything crossed that you cope with whatever they throw at you!
You will get through this!
Social services where fine. She told me lots of info. The alligations where first brought about in 2000 but nothing was done .... now the alligations have been remade the police have pulled those files. we feel totally distraught like there is no hope.