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  • struggling

    Struggling with false allegations of sexual assault. Most people on here know my story so I'm not going to go into detail.but i was accused of rape on a child but now she's changed it to attempted rape because i insisted i wanted at internal examination for scaring on her.i got court in few months and i just so fed up with it all. So called friends turned against me and also lied calling me a rapist. Well all along i said i didn't do it and now she's admitted i never did along with other things that i said i never did. So for the people that told lies about me well up yours i said time time again it never happened. Yes I'm. Bitter along with lot people on here. I'm just struggling seeing my family cry and yes i still not aloud see my kids unsupervised unlike somebody else lied saying i lied i can have my kids. So gradually I'm proving all along i never lied i told the truth. I'm so keeping away from some Vicious crazy women.i just had say how i felt. People turning backs on me on here too when all i ever did was try to help people. I've learnt a valuable lesson be v careful who u Trust because i crumbled for few days and i fell apart on here and people turned there backs on me. Now her story falling apart and her friends are coming clean.all i wanted was some help from people. I guess other people on here have had friends turn backs on them too. Yeah its hard but i forgive them. I always said i didn't do it and in court i prove it

  • #2
    The truth will out!

    Sounds like the truth is starting to come out!
    You have all along believed in your innocence so keep that momentum going.
    If their story is already coming undone then court is your chance to completely show the truth!
    Let people think what they like. You know you're innocent!
    Have you got a good defence team ready?
    Don't let them get you down, we've even had so called friends move away from us and my husbands not even been charged with anything!
    These ones are not worth it. Make the most of the time you get with your kids.
    You won't get this time back so keep them smiling when you're with them, even supervised visiting is better than not seeing them
    There are good things, you just have to look harder!
    These people who walk away are people you don't need. You know you're telling the truth.
    Stay strong.


    • #3
      Many thanks.yeah i have good barrister and Yeah there not worth it i guess. I just don't like falling out with people i wear my heart on my sleeve.but some people can be just nasty.but now I've proven 3 things didn't happen with friends coming clean and saying no it didn't happen well now i can hold my head up higher. I've still am awful lot against me but i have emails from my accuser saying things i can't discuss on here but she's got some explaining to do too.
      i can't go into detail as i know certain people on here have tried to stir things up with lies and they know my accuser but like u say certain people arnt worth it.i try to see my kids twice week for few hrs Thanks to family i know i still have a mountain to climb but like I've been told prove them wrong on one allegation and it set doubts in jurys minds on others. Well 3 things infact 4 will certainly be questioned as stories don't match up. And then the emails well that will definitely be a point where she be puking in a bucket with shock.yes i said all along it never happened and when one person (a friend of 20years) said i talk to u when u prove your innocence. Well i don't think that be happening if u can turn your back on me that easy they need not try be my friend. Lost some good friends on here through lies of one person but i forgive them because there going through turmoil too i made mistakes. I hope you too can get your life back i admit I'm scared for my family and kids there in hell of a state. How much more can i take seeing them cry.i just don't know.

