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Yep he's come back to me. He's ok as he can be and will be reporting here shortly
Well done rights fighter! Hope these flowers brighten up your day. You and casehardened are always here doing what you can kudos (if that's how it's spelt) to you both!
The appeal has "been vacated due to unforeseen circumstances". So no appeal tomorrow and we await a new date. Hope it's not too far ahead as the appellant has been waiting far too long......
The appeal has "been vacated due to unforeseen circumstances". So no appeal tomorrow and we await a new date. Hope it's not too far ahead as the appellant has been waiting far too long......
Bad luck! Hope all that work's not been wasted. As if the appellant hadn't got enough on their plate....
Tell me about it. Appellant lives abroad now and had booked his flight and hotel overnight stay in London. He won't get that reimbursed even if the appeal does succeed. Utterly disgusting the way things are. Can you imagine if this happened to an MP or a Government minister? Heads would roll
Tell me about it. Appellant lives abroad now and had booked his flight and hotel overnight stay in London. He won't get that reimbursed even if the appeal does succeed. Utterly disgusting the way things are. Can you imagine if this happened to an MP or a Government minister? Heads would roll
It is disgusting. I wondered why you were so angry. I wonder how the majesty of the law would treat a driver who had run over and killed a child? What is disgusting is that human life is given a lesser status than whether someone has been raped or not. Sure, rape is a serious crime, but the victim is still alive and has every chance of recovering to lead a fulfilling life. This society is becoming seriously warped in it's outlook and pandering to papers like the Daily Mail who thought Hitler and Mosely were great blokes....
Sorry I haven't been on here in a bit. I had to move house and also had a new baby boy named Felix who I am overjoyed with.
I have been busy juggling kids and DIY, all of which kept me busy.
Last month I was re interviewed and the data from our phones came back. The OIC provided a spreadsheet with the messages between myself and my accuser.
It clearly shows she maintained contact after she alleged the rape occurred, but as I'm a police officer I was also arrested for misconduct in the public office which is normal for this offence. However, they stated I may have had consenting sex with her so they could still charge me with the misconduct in the public office! Yes it's a load of old **** but as a police officer there is more of a public interest to charge me.
Aside from that the questions put to me were the same pretty much as the first interview which said to me they don't have an awful lot to go on. Why you ask? BECAUSE I DIDN'T DO IT!
Sorry for the shouting but after six months I'm sick and tired and want this extremely unpalatable experience to come to an end.
I'm due back on Monday for bail so here's hoping for good news. Even if I'm not charged I'm leaving the police. I was willing to put my life at risk to help others, but I will not be made a scapegoat for a lying twisted accuser.
Congrats on the new baby and good luck for monday- I hope all goes well for you. As I have said previous;y, it's very hard to defend something that never happened. Let us know how you get on.
They tried to bury us- they didn't know we were seeds
Sorry I haven't been on here in a bit. I had to move house and also had a new baby boy named Felix who I am overjoyed with.
I have been busy juggling kids and DIY, all of which kept me busy.
Last month I was re interviewed and the data from our phones came back. The OIC provided a spreadsheet with the messages between myself and my accuser.
It clearly shows she maintained contact after she alleged the rape occurred, but as I'm a police officer I was also arrested for misconduct in the public office which is normal for this offence. However, they stated I may have had consenting sex with her so they could still charge me with the misconduct in the public office! Yes it's a load of old **** but as a police officer there is more of a public interest to charge me.
Aside from that the questions put to me were the same pretty much as the first interview which said to me they don't have an awful lot to go on. Why you ask? BECAUSE I DIDN'T DO IT!
Sorry for the shouting but after six months I'm sick and tired and want this extremely unpalatable experience to come to an end.
I'm due back on Monday for bail so here's hoping for good news. Even if I'm not charged I'm leaving the police. I was willing to put my life at risk to help others, but I will not be made a scapegoat for a lying twisted accuser.
Jesus! Seems even worse for you! Can't blame you for leaving the police and fully agree with your reasoning. Don't apologise for shouting, we've all felt like that at some point! Well, hoping for the best for you for monday! Stay strong!
No, don't speculate! You'll drive yourself round the twist!
Try and have a good weekend as far as possible. Put it right at the back of your mind and smother it with positive thoughts.
The new baby is truly a gift that you can enjoy! Previous moments you'll never get back so make the most of it. They grow up so fast!
Sending loads of positive vibes through cyber space!
Keep strong! We're all rooting for you.