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Husband accused of rape

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  • Husband accused of rape

    Have just come across this site and thank god! My husband was arrested a few weeks back and has been charged with one count of rape one indecent assault and a sexual assault. He is if guilty looking at a long sentence. We have a 3 year old child and I am 30 weeks pregnant. The police stormed our house at 7am in morning and my daughter is still very traumatised by this. In my eyes my husband is innocent the police say dna match on 2 cases but his solicitor says not complete match it has been proved he has been at work on nights when it happened so why cant he get bail? I am stuck in limbo is he guilty? or not? I have approx another 10 mths to wait till trial date not set yet. It is like a living nightmare our life was perfect and now no money or income all destroyed within one day of police raiding and searching our house. I have to be strong for my children but not knowing what the future holds is a very scary place to be. Can anyone suggest any support groups or any info about solicitors specialising in these offences
    Much appreciated katey

  • #2
    False allegations of rape

    You can get support from our members at People Against False Allegations of Abuse. You can join the forum from there and we also have a members only chat room.

    The police do sometimes lie. With regard to the DNA matches I've known the police tell a suspect that the medical evidence on the complainant proves she's been raped when in fact no such evidence is confirmed. That's an attempt to get an admission of guilt, as it saves a lot of police paperwork. Please feel free to contact me by private message or email from this site.

    Last edited by Rights Fighter; 17 November 2006, 07:47 PM.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3
      Your not alone

      Hi I quite new to this myself as my son was accused last year but all I can say is that I do not think that you should automaticaly believe everything the police tell you. I have found them uncaring, very calculating in what they say and do, they appear to only have one agenda to make the allegation stick and convict. Be very carefull of anything you say to them, because they will even try to use information from you against your husband. Your husband will hopefully get a decent lawyer and this is the person you should be talking and listening to.
      Try to be strong as you will probably have difficult times ahead. Dont try and do this on your own, accept help and support from your family ect cause youre now on a very emotional rollercoaster.
      I feel deeply sorry for what you and your family are now going through, it would probably amaze you how many people out there are goin through the same thing. you are not alone and dont feel that you are.



      • #4
        Not alone

        Hi there, I just read through your messages, and I was really upset to hear what you've all been through. I'm writing an article on false allegations, and I was wondering if any of you would talk to me? I'd like the public to sit up and look at rape from a male's perspective, too- they can also be victims.
        I understand that this is an incredibly sensitive issue, and I will withold all names if necessary.
        Please please get in touch with me on
        Thank you,


        • #5
          hi katey i have been where you are i know its not easy but you have to try and be strong as you have a long road ahead of you yet.I have been left out here with 3 children as my partner is in prison convicted for a crime that never happened all because of a persons lies.Make sure you and your hubby get a solicitor/barrister that deals with this problem do not use a police station solicitor it makes a big difference to the outcome.take care kippie


          • #6
            My advice...believe NOTHING, absoloutly NOTHING the UK police tell you!

            I have been so stunned by the dishonesty of police in my own bitter experience.

            Get good legal advice and gather any written statements from any witnesses you can, preferably BEFORE the DISHONEST police get the chance to do so and influence witnesses not to give evidence to the defence.

            In my experience UK police DO NOT conduct themselves honourably or honestly they DO NOT investigate, they simply gather evidence for the purposes of obtaining a prosecution, ignoring defence witnesses, material and or evidence.

