I just don't know what to do. It's hurting like hell and even though I know he's innocent and nothing to worry about you still can't help but to be scared stiff!!! 
This whole situation is awful and I know my husband is the one who's accused but I'm just as upset and scared and angry and everything else. Plus on top of that I've suffered with depression before and I'm also scared for my husbands safety. I know how down he gets and I'm terrified of losing him but he genuinely feels he's lost everything and his reputation will be tarnished forever.
It's his own cousin who's accused him and she would have been only 8 at the time so it's not just rape it's child abuse. I'm terrified social services are going to get involved as we've got two young children. It's horrible. I'm trying to stay strong
I've told him to tell his parents but he keeps putting it off. I know it's hard but they need to know and it sounds better coming from us rather than her or anyone else
I just hate it all and he only had his first interview last week so I can't imagine it's getting better any time soon
I feel so down and so lost and I can't talk to my husband as he feels just as bad if not worse and I'm meant to there for him...

This whole situation is awful and I know my husband is the one who's accused but I'm just as upset and scared and angry and everything else. Plus on top of that I've suffered with depression before and I'm also scared for my husbands safety. I know how down he gets and I'm terrified of losing him but he genuinely feels he's lost everything and his reputation will be tarnished forever.
It's his own cousin who's accused him and she would have been only 8 at the time so it's not just rape it's child abuse. I'm terrified social services are going to get involved as we've got two young children. It's horrible. I'm trying to stay strong
I've told him to tell his parents but he keeps putting it off. I know it's hard but they need to know and it sounds better coming from us rather than her or anyone else
