It's so good to hear a Not Guilty verdict, well done! We have been going through this hell for a few years now and are back to square one. My son was convicted and has spent time in prison, which was heartbreaking. We aren't wealthy, but all pulled together to pay for a barrister and other help, but they did very little. Then fell into the trap of going with falsely.accused, all the comments on this forum proved to be right, although I gave him the benefit of the doubt. So now we are back to square one, don't know where to go for proper advice on appealing, battling with ''the rat'' who has our money and it just seems to get worse and snowballs onto something else. It seems we need ''fresh evidence'' but how can we get that when we don't know where to start? A liar was believed and evidence was not put to the jury correctly, but here we are a few years later on, my son's life turned upside down, trying to get it straight, trying to fight all the battles and not knowing where to turn to next. Has anyone got any advice about sorting an appeal and also any ideas about ''fresh evidence''?
