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Court in London on 29th September - Can anyone offer support?

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  • Court in London on 29th September - Can anyone offer support?

    Hi all,

    I've been asked by RightsFighter to post this, as she is having a few IT problems at the moment...

    RF is attending an appeal in Court 7 in London on 29th September. She has asked if there is anyone in the area who can attend to support the family on the day of the hearing. Would anyone be available?

    I'd diet but I'm not in the moooo-d

  • #2

    Originally posted by webmoo View Post
    Hi all,

    I've been asked by RightsFighter to post this, as she is having a few IT problems at the moment...

    RF is attending an appeal in Court 7 in London on 29th September. She has asked if there is anyone in the area who can attend to support the family on the day of the hearing. Would anyone be available?


    Many apologies for not getting back to give result to the outcome of this appeal. In fact, after a six hour journey to Surrey from Blackpool I stepped off the train on the Thursday afternoon (day before the appeal) to find out that the appeal had just been adjourned. Two reasons for this - the appellant's barrister was sacked on the Wednesday prior to the appeal (although it technically could still have been heard) and the medical expert found he could not attend at the last minute.

    Thank God for His small mercies! I'm not sure that the new barrister, although paid £10K up front, could have familiarised himself with the case in 24 hours. However it gave me the chance to see the Crown's "skeleton argument" that would have been presented to the Court and I've managed to take issue with some of the points. I have no idea how much help this would be but it's been emailed off to the solicitor and hopefully to the barrister.

    We don't have a new date for this hearing. When we do, I'll let you know. This is quite unusual set of circumstances for an appeal so the outcome will be interesting.

    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

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