Hi victimized, Do you think your brother could be suffering from drug-induced dillusions? This doesn't make your position easier except that he would have a real problem justifying his claims and ultimately, being taken seriously. It could be that he will feel it necessary to elaborate more and more, telling bigger and bigger porky-pies in which case he will end up totally discrediting himself.
The fact you don't have a criminal record and the nature of his will probably act in your favour. From what you say, there's no proof, just his word (
) against yours. It must be very uncomfortable in the family home right now, I suspect you're best away from him. It must be a horrendously difficult situation for your parents. Are any of you in contact with a support group for families of drug users?
The fact you don't have a criminal record and the nature of his will probably act in your favour. From what you say, there's no proof, just his word (
