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Wrongly convicted of rape

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  • Wrongly convicted of rape

    I have just found this site after searching the Internet in the hope that someone can help our situation. Last July, my son D and his friend C were walking to the local shop for drink, and passed a Y flat. They had got to know a boy who lived there and chapped the door to ask for the pepper grinder back that they had left the previous week. My son is a chef and all his friend had in the house was eggs so D was going to make an omelette and wouldn't think of doing this without pepper! Anyway a girl answered the door and said the other boy no longer stayed there, but invited D in to look for this. He knew he had passed thehouse earlier in the week and it was on the window ledge but since it wasn't there now, he said it had probably been moved when the boy moved out. Anyway D and his friend went to the shop, spoke to a couple of pals for an hour then on the way back to C's, this girl shouted out the window and asked them to come in as she had 2 bottles of vodka. They both went in , her cousin arrived and socilaised for about an hour or so then went away in a taxi. C became a bit too drunk, as he is a bit younger than my boy, and she told D to tell him to leave. D went to take him home but she asked him to stay. So D told C to go for a walk and sober up a bit and come back. To cut a long story short, she put her hand on D's knee , sat on his knee and started kissing him. She was about 12 stone and because D is very slight only about 9 stone, she was clearly not comfortable and led him over to the bed. She went to unbutton his jeans but he is quite funny about this and said he'd do this himself. The inevitable happened and he woke up an hour later with 4 police officers surrounding him in her bed.She had got up put on all her clothes and went to a neighbour and claimed he raped her. She claims she walked out the room and he was naked pushed her on to the bed and raped her. When the police woke him up he had his t shirt and boxer shorts on!. The chief Inspector at the trial said that in 29 years he had never found the accused lying in bed sleeping! She didn't turn up for the first Court Case and a warrant was issued for her arrrest. The case had to be put out to another town and lasted from the Wednesday until the Friday. The jury went out at 11.30 on the Friday and returned at 3.30 with a verdict of guilty. Our family's lives are shattered it's like a death although I keep telling myself I still have him. He is currently awaiting sentence and is really staying positive. He has never flinched once this past year and really didn't even consider that this would be found proven. He has never denied that they had consensual sex and she has not one mark on her to suggest he forceably took off her jeans. She didin;t even cry for help despit the window being wide open and the neaighbours hearing a lot of noise earlier in the evening. If anyone can suggest anything at all I would be very grateful.

  • #2
    Hi Nan

    I have private messaged you.

    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3
      well me and my family are going through a bit of a crisis ourself my little cousin has been wrongly accused of rape as well. The person that said he raped her is a family member. Hes 17 and shes 11. Im not saying the child has not ben messed with before but I truly believe shes covering up for someone else and I believe its a family member. The family has been torn apart because of this matter were seeing if its going to be taken to a grand jury or not. The Dapartment of Human Resourses has not been contacted yet to check either child yet. The boy was picked up Wednesdy 7-12-06 by the local authorities he spent 2 days in jail. His bail was posted at 25,000 and when got to the courthouse they rasised it to 50,000. He came home Friday 7-14-06. Were are sitting on pens and needles and praying to see whats going to come of this. Maybe a little advise would help us.

