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Have made a mess!

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  • Have made a mess!

    Hi all i want to thank all those that have helped me today, i dont really know what im doing on here as im new and put something on here that wasnt what i think it should have ..asked the powers that be can i delete the one post but the whole lot has gone..sorry about that ...but just want to say a big thank you to you all

  • #2
    Me too - don't worry - here's my answser to your post re Tim.

    So pleased Tim can help. He's a super nice guy - really explained the situation fully - especially important as my son is so young and was scared stiff.

    Re the No Comment - Tim will evaluate things re your case but as he explained it to me - if you say "no comment" and it goes to trial it can appear that you are hiding something. You can't say "no comment" to the judge so the jury may think why is he/she saying that now? Its made up as he could have said that at the police station. Some of the questions the police asked my lad, he could have answered truthfully and supported his innocence - but the critical ones - did you have sex? Did you penetrate her after she said she didn't want to have sex? he couldn't answer as he couldn't even remember being with her. You can't answer some questions and say "no comment" to others.

    Get your lad to tell Tim EVERYTHING - I left my son to talk to him alone in confidence as I wanted him to talk openly without worrying what I thought. It may be that your son is advised to answer the police questions because that may help them reach a speedier conclusion that there is no case to answer.

    In our case they took his DNA, but there was no match with swabs taken from the girl. By the time she went to the police I had washed his clothes he wore but I think if they have your son's accuser's clothes there may be some of his DNA on her clothes if they were in contact.

    With no admission of any sexual activity between her and my lad the police asked the other kids at the party that night. At the time of his interview we didn't realise she had boasted on social media she intended to "have him" that night. (he knew of her but hadn't even spoken to her before). Also his friends who were less intoxicated told the police what a stoned/drunk ******* she had been all weekend - she continued to drink and initiate sexual relations with others over the next 24 hours.

    We sat back and let all this unfold over 3 months of police investigation and the police confirmed just recently they are taking no further action against my son. However - when her friends had to give video interviews I think she realised that she would face cross examination about her behaviour that weekend and she withdrew her allegation. Job done - she had successfully deflected her parents anger about her drunken orgy weekend. He was lucky that her lies were so blatant she left a trial of evidence which pointed to her fabricating the story and his innocence - Tim was very confident that IF it went to trial we would win. However the price of going to court to prove your son isn't a rapist is high. A little tiny bit of me wanted this to happen so we could clear his name - but he's just a boy - he's so relieved its over the NFA we have is much less damaging.

    So really it depends on the circumstances of this girl accusing your son. Until they charge him there is little a solicitor can do regarding preparing a defence - however you can do a lot of research and the question you need to answer is - this girl is lying, what are her motives? IF it comes to court, that is the question your defence will be presenting an answer for as they will be trying to prove to the jury that she is making up her allegation and your lad is innocent. Did she feel rejected that your son didn't answer her texts? I know its mad that she would take such action as revenge - but these girls aren't always very clever - the police are so busy making sure they feel believed it seems no one says "really? are you sure that happened" Tha'ts what my son's mate said to his FA the day after the party and she said "no I suppose it didn't happened". Luckily that lad got the opportunity to tell the police this - however we will never know if the prosecution would have used that in court! Obviously we knew the police had been told this so we would have made sure it was. What is scary is the amount of people on this site who have been set up by the police - so do give anything you have to Tim - NOT the police. They will use it against your son given half a chance - they did with mine.

    I'm glad Tim Walker can help - you couldn't be in safer hands in my opinion
    Last edited by Casehardened; 27 February 2014, 06:12 PM. Reason: edited at request of OP


    • #3
      Thank you Tiger mum you should be very proud of yourself and your worked very hard to get to the truth but got there you did..a big WELL DONE thank you again for your information has been priceless


      • #4
        Tigermum, you should be so proud of how you stayed strong for your son throughout, and fought his corner for him. It is totally evil-system where the boys and men are ganged up against by this unequal justice system. So glad your son could prove his innocence and girls like this are seen by others as an attention-seeking liar.

