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Would really appreciate some advice

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  • Would really appreciate some advice

    So to give you an idea of what happened I hooked up with a girl in town on a saturday. To my surprise she asked me not to tell her friends what we did because she doesn't want her boyfriend to find out (I FOUND OUT AFTER SHE HAD BF) even though she picked up the phone to him and he found out as she was moaning down the phone (he was her ride home) then on the monday I was confronted by her friends and her boyfriend because she had told them I forced her into it which simply isn't true, and they had convinced her to go to the police, I was arrested on suspicion of rape am I am currently on bail, the only thing that I thought would prove my innocence was the CCTV but as it turns out there is no CCTV in the area, I got her phone number and was texting her in the morning just things like "did you get home ok?" so the police have confiscated my phone pending further investigation

    So overall (don't want to bore you with details)

    The police told me I would go back 4 weeks from the date I was arrested to find out if I would be charged, I was meant to go back today but they postponed it for another 8 weeks

    What is the reason as to why they would do that?

    As far as I can tell they have exhausted all leads

    questioned us both
    Gone though my phone (Pointless to be honest)

    Witnesses who are her friends have even backed my side saying they think she is lying yet I am here on a curfew for the next 8 weeks feeling punished for a crime I never did commit.

  • #2
    Hi tc,

    So sorry you are in this situation, like us all on here. The police usually do this where they make you wait for months on bail. I think the average time is 7 months, however, my son waited around 4 months before he was charged. Hopefully, you won't be charged as it sounds like her big motive is because of her boyfriend/friends would be angry with her.

    I suggest you write down all the motives and write down all the names who can give you character references, specially pass girlfriends, your job etc, all witness names, write down in detail what happened, every tiny bit you can remember. Write down before and after the event what you and she did. Don't talk to the police if they ring you. Get a good specialist solicitor in your area, if you need legal aid you need to be quick as they are stopping it from April. Remember the police are there to defend the girl, they don't care about you and if you are telling the truth, they just want someone to prosecute. Do all these things now and read up on here on advice section. Keep strong, positive, you may need it. Hope you are cleared. Take care.


    • #3
      Originally posted by mumpleasehelpme View Post
      Hi tc,

      So sorry you are in this situation, like us all on here. The police usually do this where they make you wait for months on bail. I think the average time is 7 months, however, my son waited around 4 months before he was charged. Hopefully, you won't be charged as it sounds like her big motive is because of her boyfriend/friends would be angry with her.

      I suggest you write down all the motives and write down all the names who can give you character references, specially pass girlfriends, your job etc, all witness names, write down in detail what happened, every tiny bit you can remember. Write down before and after the event what you and she did. Don't talk to the police if they ring you. Get a good specialist solicitor in your area, if you need legal aid you need to be quick as they are stopping it from April. Remember the police are there to defend the girl, they don't care about you and if you are telling the truth, they just want someone to prosecute. Do all these things now and read up on here on advice section. Keep strong, positive, you may need it. Hope you are cleared. Take care.

      Thanks for the reply, I have spoke to my solicitor and he says it is okay that there is no CCTV that proves my innocence even though it would of been ideal, as he says there is also no evidence that proves you did it, only suggestions from her. So it has become my word against hers and witnesses seeing us together in the area. He also said this case would go to crown court and they will only accept it if there is solid evidence proving I did it as it looks bad on statistics if they don't prosecute.

      I hope it all turns out for the best and I don't see how anybody could do this to someone, thank you again for your advice.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Tc132 View Post
        even though she picked up the phone to him
        Hi Tc132,

        If you were actually raping her rather than intercourse being consensual, this would have been an ideal opportunity for her to seek help!

        And of course a real rapist would be hardly be likely to let his victim use the phone!

        PS part of the reason for the delay in coming to a decision is to run your DNA through the system and check if any further 'victims' come forward; after all they have to assume you may have 'previous'
        Last edited by Casehardened; 18 February 2014, 03:18 PM.
        'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


        • #5
          Originally posted by Casehardened View Post
          Hi Tc132,

          If you were actually raping her rather than intercourse being consensual, this would have been an ideal opportunity for her to seek help!

          And of course a real rapist would be hardly be likely to let his victim use the phone!

          PS part of the reason for the delay in coming to a decision is to run your DNA through the system and check if any further 'victims' come forward; after all they have to assume you may have 'previous'
          Thank you your feedback really made me feel better And I have no previous record so hopefully this will all be over with in 8 weeks time


          • #6
            Hi Tc132 unfortunately your story is an all too common one . Many men are facing these allegations after these silly girls find its all too easy to accuse someone rather than admit to sleeping around / cheating on their partners.

            Try and keep yourself busy, your going to have many ups and downs waiting weeks. Hopefully this will all come to an end soon for you.


            • #7
              Originally posted by tigertiger View Post
              Hi Tc132 unfortunately your story is an all too common one . Many men are facing these allegations after these silly girls find its all too easy to accuse someone rather than admit to sleeping around / cheating on their partners.

              Try and keep yourself busy, your going to have many ups and downs waiting weeks. Hopefully this will all come to an end soon for you.
              Thanks you, it is rather sickening and personally I find rape a disgusting act so to be accused of it made me feel ill... the police man that arrested me even said to me "Don't worry the amount of people that turned out innocent I have arrested for being accused of rape this year already is disgusting"

              Do these girls just not realise they make real rape victims look bad and can potentially ruin lives!

