Thank you myhome for the support i now have a solicitor and the waiting begins i think i will move out of my home until i have proven innocents mental torture is driving me mad
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hi new here and a question that baffling me
sorry for the late reply TT
no the interview was Not allowed to be held in Scotland due to PACE rules and regs, which are different in Scotland
the police said the offence was reported to them in England they would have to serve a warrant of arrest before the Scottish police could get involved and that would only server for the English police to collect me and take me back to the station were the offence was reported
so in short English police Do Not do Voluntary Interviews in Scotland
i hope this helps
No worries thanks for the update. Good luck with the interview.
Remember NOT to take anything in with you such as a phone etc as this may well be seized from you.
As MH says do no engage in any chit chat with the police without your solicitor there. At every stage from phone to station they try to extract information in sneaky ways, anything you do say WILL be used against you. So only answer questions on the say so of your solicitor, no matter how nice and friendy a seemingly innocent off topic "off the record" question seems. (" " sarcasm there is no such thing as off the record with them).
If the police interview is in England and any potential trial in England, then you need an English solicitor. Scots law is different to English in any event and it would be pointless using a solicitor who does not practice law in the area the alleged offences took place in.
Which area would the trial take place, if it gets that far?People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~
PAFAA details ~
hi ya Rights Fighter
many thank's for your input and advice i do now have a English solicitor I even tried to get ~ Chris Saltrese solicitors - specialists in defending and appealing false allegations of sexual offences. Tel: 01704 535 512 but his office told me they Do Not take Legal Aid just thought i would let others know
I will report back about the solicitor i have engaged and what the out come of the interview is , if i am able
once again thank you all for the great help and advice.
and if anyone reading this post needs help, these people are the best and there advice is sound
well i went to the interview which took nearly 2 hours, the police were cheerful and polite threw the whole thing, but here is my advice answer only the question, i noticed maybe 10 things that i thought were e'relative but my solicitor did not and spoke out with "may we stick to the allegations" or "i advise client not to reply at this time"
i was released without charge but the case against will be placed in front of the crown prosecution if they then decide to take it to court it will take 2 weeks before they will tell me
it is scary but walking out that police station was like walking threw hell upside alot of the times and dates were wrong which I can proved
the person who falsely accused me has trapped herself in her own lies ""O'what a wicked web ect" I still have to wait and thats the hardest part, my friends and family are still shunning me i hate it and its making me bitter as i have done nothing wrong.
i will update you all again
Originally posted by Drake View Posthi ya Rights Fighter
many thank's for your input and advice i do now have a English solicitor I even tried to get ~ Chris Saltrese solicitors - specialists in defending and appealing false allegations of sexual offences. Tel: 01704 535 512 but his office told me they Do Not take Legal Aid just thought i would let others know
I will report back about the solicitor i have engaged and what the out come of the interview is , if i am able
once again thank you all for the great help and advice.
and if anyone reading this post needs help, these people are the best and there advice is sound
Chris doesn't do trials on legal aid due to the amount of work he puts in and would not be paid for. However he does do appeals against conviction/sentence on legal aid if the client is eligible.People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~
PAFAA details ~
Hi Drake - sounds like your solicitor was really on the ball and good for him for challenging irrelevancies from plodThis will seem like a long 2 weeks for you so please have lots planned to keep you busy and occupied.
It is really sad that your friends and family aren't standing by you. Lots of people on here have said that in situations like this you find out who your true and real friends are.......we'll support you all we can..... MH"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
hi ya Myhome
Thanks for your post it means a lot to me but your so right once i clear my name "which i will" i dont know how i will feel about my so called friends , as to family well i can not choose them.
thanks again Myhome you made me smile in this dark time
Only just seen the update. Glad that part of the ordeal is now out of the way for you. 2 weeks to hear news is quite a short time to wait for news in comparison to most members, so I'll keep my fingers crossed they honour that and come up with the good news of an NFA for you.
It does sound positive you had an on the ball solicitor too which should have helped keep your head above water. Count yourself lucky in some way that you had chance to come prepared for it with an experienced solicitor of choice.
Did they search you when you went for this interview?
Sorry to hear about family and friends that have turned their back on you because of this. Its human nature I guess for people to shy away from fearful situations but you know what sod the lot of them for now, you know your innocent and have done nothing wrong so keep your head held high and prove the lier to be what she is.
Originally posted by tigertiger View PostOnly just seen the update. Glad that part of the ordeal is now out of the way for you. 2 weeks to hear news is quite a short time to wait for news in comparison to most members, so I'll keep my fingers crossed they honour that and come up with the good news of an NFA for you.
It does sound positive you had an on the ball solicitor too which should have helped keep your head above water. Count yourself lucky in some way that you had chance to come prepared for it with an experienced solicitor of choice.
Did they search you when you went for this interview?
Sorry to hear about family and friends that have turned their back on you because of this. Its human nature I guess for people to shy away from fearful situations but you know what sod the lot of them for now, you know your innocent and have done nothing wrong so keep your head held high and prove the lier to be what she is.
No i was not searched at the police station, but they did ask to see my mobile phone, I told them it was at home charging
All i took was a few hundred pounds the clothes on my back + a solicitor
as to the family and friends after this nightmare is over I don't want nothing to do with, i am so angry at them at the moment
best advice keep buzy - breath - talk to your GP - Most of all listen to the advice from these pages and act on what they say
Thank you to Daftmoo and to all there members
ps will Update once i have more news
if you have time here is my update
its been 5 months now without news and i was just getting use to the fact this nightmare must be over
when i got a message on my mobile answer phone from the police.
"Please contact (dc plod)me immediately you FAILED to appear in magistrate court and a bench warrant has been issued for your arrest."
so i madly dialed the number to find (dc plod) had gone off duty i did know more but jump on a train to my solicitors 93 miles away stayed in a b&B and waited for morning
i spoke to solicitor first chance i had 09.00am we went in to his office and he tried to contact the (dc plod ) still no answers 5 hours later he got threw
they state they sent me a court summons i didn't get one when we ask the plod what address they sent it "surprise surprise they sent it to an address i have never heard of " they gave me one week to surrender to the bench warrant as the court was so far from me, on advice i went directly to the police and told them i was to report to them re this bench warrant 30mins later i was in a police cell awaiting next day transport to court
next day in the magistrate court i had to plead guilty or not guilty
do i want to have the trail in the magistrate court or Crown Court advise crown
Bail was awarded with conditions not to contact Miss x Trail to be heard in November 2014
then i was released bail
stunned then i admit i cried on the train home i could not make No sense of this
I have not been Arrested
I have never been Charged
I have not been notification of the summons
I Have been charge with breach of the bench failing to appear warrant 6 historic accounts against me by the cps
my solicitor only comment was he would get me a silk as soon as possible legal aid approved
can anyone please tell me wtf just happen ?
Sounds like a complete screw up by the Police from start to finish to me.
Your Solicitor could be just jumping the gun and realising they have messed up, knows he's onto a winner.
Go and ask to sit down with him properly and write down everything. The Police at this stage are trying to
destroy your character (they are NOT your friends) failing to attend is a serious offence on it's own.
Dates Times Events of around that time period to help jog your memory, google it facebook it and her, anything you can
do to help your case. This is what is meant to keeping busy.
Your already in the nightmare, now you have to focus and collect details this is all they are interested in.
Even little things in a court with a jury could mean everything, and be prepared to sit there for days before
they get to you, that was the worst bit for me having to sit there and listen to it all and not being able to
say anything.
From what you have wrote it sounds like you missed the preliminary hearing to determine the charges and conditions
This in some cases can be where they agree to news blackouts and if it will go to CPS and of course bail conditions.
But now your also being done for failing to appear.
But not to worry sounds like your Solicitor has it all too hand, you just need to speak with him and ask as many questions
as you can.
hi Indigo
thank you for the reply
i dont believe it why now how can they just bail me without charging me
i dont even think about news blackout will they jail me i didn't do anything omg
i am trying to reply to your post and i can hear is the blood rushing through my veins
if i could stop shaking long enough just to make sense of this i just cant
ok check facebook and emails yes i can do that i still have my old sim somewhere that will have text from her on it
what a mess