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  • disc?

    Hi everyone, as some of you know my son as been charged and will have to go to crown court. This of course, is having a profound-effect on us all, specially so because he is so innocent and has a life-limited illness to cope with as well. He is 21 and life expectancy is 33 years old. This cruel justice system is putting him and us through this hell, on just her word alone.
    Our solicitor has the statement our son done on disc. We have asked to see the disc and for a copy but the solicitor seems to be making excuses to give it us, does anyone know why? would it be a good idea to look at it at this stage? Any help and advise we would really appreciate.

  • #2
    Yes, you need to get hold of this. It may be your sol is going through it (or getting his clerk to do it) and comparing it to the written statement. You'd be amazed how many discrepancies/'mistakes'/'typos' there sometimes are. If there are discrepancies it is REALLY important that these are amended. Once identified, a request for an amendment to the written statement should be made to the court.

    Your son is entitled to see his CD/listen to his tape and ultimately to an explanation as to why this isn't possible. Your sol might not have the time or incentive to go through both with a fine tooth comb, this is what needs to be done.

    I'm really sorry that his is happening to him, it seems particularly cruel.
    All the best.


    • #3
      Thank you so much whats going on I will take your advice, very helpful thank you.


      • #4
        Are you saying that he was video interviewed? That's unusual. You should in any event have a FULL transcript of this interview. it could be that the CPS are withholding it. They play games like that if there is something they want to spring on the defendant at trial. If necessary defence counsel can apply to a judge during a pre trial hearing for the transcript at least.
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #5
          Hi rights fighter,

          No the interview was not videoed, however, they did make a recording and put it on CD. The written statement, my son's solicitor is still waiting for. When my husband and myself listened to the CD, I realised when a person do not have a solicitor present, that the police do not interview fairly. The police kept the interview as basic as possible, they did not extend the questioning so accurate and reliable information about the false allegation, would show an innocent explanation. This system is so unfair and corrupt.

          Also, just to say, we have the CD now, but my son said there was no written statement he saw or had to this normal?


          • #6
            He should have signed that the tapes were sealed in his presence.

            Hopefully the sol will get the CD transcribed so you can see in writing everything that was said.

            In a bit of a rush and don't have time to red the whole thread - was he offered the services of a solicitor? This should be on the CD. Also he should have been cautioned and had the tapes explained to him. How old was your son when interviewed?
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~

