Hi All, I have been reading many of these threads in the last week since I was questioned regarding a false allegation made against me but thought it was time to share my story, hopefully some of you guys will have some answers to the many things that keep going on in my head.
I received a message to contact a police officer and when I called I was told that they wanted to speak to me about an allegation that had been made against me. Naturally I went along and that was where my hell started:
I was arrested and thrown into a cell with no idea what I was accused of. After a couple of hours I was interviewed and told that a girl had recently reported that I had raped her some 4 years previous :S
The girl was someone I was dating at the time and hadn't heard a peep from her in all that time and I certainly never had non-consensual sex with her. Confused and having nothing to hide I answered all the questions as best I could without seeing the need for a lawyer present. I later learned that had I stayed silent in the interview I would most likely be in the clear as the case is in Scotland where there is a requirement for corroborative (2 sources) of evidence for anything to go to court. I had a brief understanding of this as it has been in the newspapers that there is some talk of changing the requirement. I am a little confused as to how my statement can corroborate hers as mine is what actually happened and in stark contrast to hers?! I suppose in some way I am happy as I want this to go away for good and have my name cleared rather than worrying that it may crop up sometime in the future again.
So her story is that I raped her in a public place after we had spend the day out together having a few drinks (we weren't particularly drunk, I'm not sure what her story says with regards that). In actual fact she suggested the public place and although we fooled around a bit we didn't actually have sex largely due to the many people in the vicinity (why didn't she call out to them if she was being raped???). After deciding that the public place want ideal we went back to my flat, catching a bus from opposite a large police station to my flat about 40mins journey away. Her story is that I raped her again back at my flat. I have no idea what excuse she gives for coming back to there if I had already raped her as she suggested (am I entitled to ask that at this stage?). I drove her home in the morning where all seemed well and I expected we would continue dating. The texts that followed implied that we would go out again but after a couple of weeks she stopped replying (can the police obtain the contents of text messages that old? that would certainly be helpful to me if they can!). I was disappointed but moved on thinking she had lost interest. Then 4 years later this nonsense, why????
So I was released without charge pending further investigation. I understand the police now file a report to the Procurator Fiscal and they decide whether court action is to proceed. Does anyone know the probability of this given her unlikely story? Or what happens when they do (will I be arrested again? or given a date to appear in court?). I understand they don't inform me if they decide to drop the case, but I am entitled to ask if I can get the police reference number?) Can anyone confirm this? I understand it can take many months?
I have not yet told my girlfriend as she is going through a bit of a hard time at the moment, I'd much rather tell her once it's all over but couldn't live with myself not telling her if it drags on for ages
She will also start to question why I have a constant state of worry and am struggling to eat 
Why is the girl doing this? Is she trying to gain financially? Does she just resent me for some other reason? Why now?
I have tried not to think about court because I really hope she sees sense and drops this lie long before this, surely no jury would convict based on her farcical story? Doesn't bear thinking about. I feel if it goes to court I just cant win, even a unanimous acquittal will affect my family hugely
thanks for reading,
Confused and Scared
I received a message to contact a police officer and when I called I was told that they wanted to speak to me about an allegation that had been made against me. Naturally I went along and that was where my hell started:
I was arrested and thrown into a cell with no idea what I was accused of. After a couple of hours I was interviewed and told that a girl had recently reported that I had raped her some 4 years previous :S
The girl was someone I was dating at the time and hadn't heard a peep from her in all that time and I certainly never had non-consensual sex with her. Confused and having nothing to hide I answered all the questions as best I could without seeing the need for a lawyer present. I later learned that had I stayed silent in the interview I would most likely be in the clear as the case is in Scotland where there is a requirement for corroborative (2 sources) of evidence for anything to go to court. I had a brief understanding of this as it has been in the newspapers that there is some talk of changing the requirement. I am a little confused as to how my statement can corroborate hers as mine is what actually happened and in stark contrast to hers?! I suppose in some way I am happy as I want this to go away for good and have my name cleared rather than worrying that it may crop up sometime in the future again.
So her story is that I raped her in a public place after we had spend the day out together having a few drinks (we weren't particularly drunk, I'm not sure what her story says with regards that). In actual fact she suggested the public place and although we fooled around a bit we didn't actually have sex largely due to the many people in the vicinity (why didn't she call out to them if she was being raped???). After deciding that the public place want ideal we went back to my flat, catching a bus from opposite a large police station to my flat about 40mins journey away. Her story is that I raped her again back at my flat. I have no idea what excuse she gives for coming back to there if I had already raped her as she suggested (am I entitled to ask that at this stage?). I drove her home in the morning where all seemed well and I expected we would continue dating. The texts that followed implied that we would go out again but after a couple of weeks she stopped replying (can the police obtain the contents of text messages that old? that would certainly be helpful to me if they can!). I was disappointed but moved on thinking she had lost interest. Then 4 years later this nonsense, why????
So I was released without charge pending further investigation. I understand the police now file a report to the Procurator Fiscal and they decide whether court action is to proceed. Does anyone know the probability of this given her unlikely story? Or what happens when they do (will I be arrested again? or given a date to appear in court?). I understand they don't inform me if they decide to drop the case, but I am entitled to ask if I can get the police reference number?) Can anyone confirm this? I understand it can take many months?

I have not yet told my girlfriend as she is going through a bit of a hard time at the moment, I'd much rather tell her once it's all over but couldn't live with myself not telling her if it drags on for ages

Why is the girl doing this? Is she trying to gain financially? Does she just resent me for some other reason? Why now?
I have tried not to think about court because I really hope she sees sense and drops this lie long before this, surely no jury would convict based on her farcical story? Doesn't bear thinking about. I feel if it goes to court I just cant win, even a unanimous acquittal will affect my family hugely

thanks for reading,
Confused and Scared